Elias Laverty's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

olivvadopts Global Rules

• You can edit the designs I create however you want. 

• I don’t allow copycat designs, please do not make identical twins to my designs, siblings or children are allowed as long as they are not identical copies to my design. 

• You can get inspiration from my designs, as long as you are not making exact copies. 

• You can sell my designs, but please do not sell them for more than you purchased them for + however much you spent on them. Personal work can add to the worth, but please only add as much as you would charge for commissions of that type. Gift art may NOT be added to the worth under any circumstances. Doing this will get you publicly blacklisted 


Pinkervi / Skeletalvirus - Admitting to using me for OC's/art
DreamwaveNightmares / Sereneterror / Pand0rasbox / Retr0Wave - Design copying
Dont @ TH - Uncomfortable interactions