Lucilen Omenslayer



1 year, 9 months ago


Lucilen Omenslayer

Sexuality: Straight


Age: As old as I am required to be


Personality: Lucilen has caught herself up in a fake sense of mercy and duty. After a trauma from seeing her hometown obliterated by Ossiarch bone reapers, her young mind concluded, "Those who have died cannot suffer loss." Holding this twisted belief throughout her life, she joined Mercenary bands which allowed her to hone her skill in combat. As she became more and more deadly, she acted more like she was a merciful priest than a ruthless warlord. How could she refuse when Khorne came, offering the ability to bring everyone in the mortal realms her mercy? How could she refuse?

Appearance: Even without her weapon, Lucilen is an imposing figure. Clad in blood-red armor fused with her body, she looks like an unstoppable force on the battlefield. While outside of the chaos of war, she seems more like a pillar dedicated to death. Each of her movements measured direct, while her adornment of a former challenger's skull atop her helmet. The veil she wears across her face works in two ways, to make her seem more like a bringer of mercy, as well as hide her face which has been scarred and burned throughout her many years of war

Bio: A little girl dreamed of being a doctor. But the walking dead came to her city. She saw what horrors the living must suffer, life and undeath were pain made manifest. She would be pure evil to extend such pain.

She became a mercenary, dreaming of ending pain where it reared its head. But a god spoke to her, speaking of the glory of ending life and the pain which came with it. She would be pure evil to not accept a benevolent God’s gift to end suffering.

She became a cultist, with dreams of being the greatest warrior in the realms. But the man she followed took satisfaction in the cries of pain, so the blood god spoke to her once again. She would be pure evil to let this man continue in his sadistic ways.

She became a tyrant, with dreams of doing the Skulltaker’s will. She slaughtered the man with one swing of her axe. But a new weapon spoke to her, promising her unmatched prowess in battle. She would be pure evil to not take such a boon.

She wielded a deamon blade, with dreams of doing what was right. But Khorne told her to work alongside those of opposing gods, to grant his mercy to a city which moved on the back of god-beasts. She would be pure evil not to kill them all.

Special: Wounded Dog: Lucilen drinks in the rage that is aimed at her. The more people want her dead/feel rage towards her. The stronger she gets. This has led on a few occasions where she has been able to take of a Greater Deamon of Khorne. Who are strong enough to fight small armies single handily. It does not work with fear, however. Entirely depends on another's feelings rather than her own.



Skull skinning


Blood Lust
Short Sighted

Fun Facts
She earned her name Pagan by refusing the help of a Blood Thirster; she found him too brutal and cruel.