


1 year, 8 months ago




The Twilight Sage

  • Age Unknown
  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Orientation Canon: Ace AUs: Bi

  • SpeciesTiefling
  • FlowerThistle
  • Element🔥👻

Who is this character? Write a little something about them here.

If your description gets very long, the box will scroll! If you write a longer biography, you may want to use headings, so below I've included a code snippet you could use.

Heading 1

Clothing Layers

  • Layer 1

  • Layer 2

  • Layer 3

  • Layer 4

Key Items

The Parallel Pendulum

A description of your item goes here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at rutrum nisi. Maecenas congue viverra nibh eu eleifend.

Morbi ut quam ex. Sed ornare arcu ut metus sagittis egestas.

Withering Staff

A description of your item goes here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at rutrum nisi. Maecenas congue viverra nibh eu eleifend.

Morbi ut quam ex. Sed ornare arcu ut metus sagittis egestas.

Botanical Apron

A description of your item goes here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at rutrum nisi. Maecenas congue viverra nibh eu eleifend.

Morbi ut quam ex. Sed ornare arcu ut metus sagittis egestas.


  • Here's where you'd write anything you want people to take note of about your character's design, or perhaps just some fun facts!

Clothing Layers

  • Base Clothes

  • Cloak

Key Items


Withering Staff

A magical staff that withers and ages those it strikes.

Lavere found this item while raiding the hoard of a young green dragon.

Parallel Pendulum

A simple mirror...or is it?

Lavere acquires this mirror form the Temple of Selune in Hulander. It is a gift from one of the head priestesses clerics.

Exalted, this mirror allows Lavere to extend his magical prowess and provides him with the True Sight ability.

Botanical Apron

An apron that has a never ending supply of common and useful plant material.

Lavere's teacher in poisons, Sayola, left him this gift, or so he thinks. It truly originates from Hiemolwyn, the Winter Maiden.

He is able to use this apron to maintain stock of useful poisons and health balms.


  • Welcome to tab 2, the assets here are all the same so this is just to let you know you are, in fact, on a different tab now. Hello!









  • Affinity
  • Relationship Best Buddy

A powerful and honest half-orc. Roark is a close friend and an outlet for affection, especially after they both bonded over catching frogs. Their friendship is more brotherly, less soft, than what he has with Farryn. He loves finding new and interesting unsafe activities to do with Roark. Above all they strive for mutual improvement, Roark isn't afraid to cuff him and Lavere will chastise back when it’s needed.

More about Roark
  • Affinity
  • Relationship Bosom Buddy

A soft and sweet elf although otherworldly. Farryn is a comfortable friend and an outlet for physical touch and affection that feels difficult to come by in Lavere’s current circumstances. He loves to read with Farryn, even if Lavere isn't a skilled reader. Farryn is able to shift perspectives with a gentility that many lack and Lavere admires him for it.

More about Farryn
  • Affinity
  • Relationship Catty Coworker

Lavere has had a rocky start with this half-goblin…and middle…and well hopefully that’s all ready to change. When they met Wesper, Lavere could not understand why he should trust a stranger and once he learned he could trust the goblin, it looked like Wesper was shunning Lavere and rubbing in how the best of friends he could be with Roark and Farryn.

They’ve finally cleared up that misunderstanding and hopefully the rest of their relationship will be less rocky.

They work together well when finding a cure for the Far-Touched. They’ve already made long strides in developing and testing a cinder-root cure.

More about Wesper
  • Affinity
  • Relationship Tentatively Tamed

This elf is like a feral dog, full of instinct and guile, with not an ounce of people skills. That’s a lot, coming from someone like Lavere. He respects her for her survival skills and her uncanny ability to notice things that don’t seem possible, but they're not close. She doesn't seem to want to be and is more driven to solve the crimes of Hulandar and getting revenge on those who have wronged her.

More about Kole
  • Affinity
  • Relationship Clan Member

A short-statured goblin who is a strange mixture of Farryn and Roark. Bramble is wise beyond what could have ever been known when he was found in that cave, terrified and alone. He's dedicated to the party, but the party seems to be an entity, not made of individuals, a clan. Lavere is affectionate with Bramble when he makes his rounds and enjoys speaking with him but doesn't seek individual attention from him.

  • Affinity
  • Relationship Unknown

Write a little bit about their relationship here.

More about NAME
  • Affinity
  • Relationship Unknown

Write a little bit about their relationship here.

More about NAME
  • Affinity
  • Relationship Unknown

Write a little bit about their relationship here.

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