


1 year, 9 months ago




Death Day 7/7/20

Gender Female [ She | Her ]

Age 25

Birthday May 1st


Room Number W210

Occupation Bartender

Light 'Em Up- Fall Out Boys






Species Thievul #828 ddxqnuy-8a6e202c-2459-4747-8ffb-8c605424

Variations N/A

Type Dark Dark.png

Height 145cm { 5’5” }

Weight 65.77kg { 145lbs }

Full Reference Here


  • Her mustache marking cannot be shaved off.
  • Always hiding bombs in her boobs.
  • Don't touch her bomb bag.
  • Ears can hear from days.







WIS +2




+Observant +Protective
+Patient +Charming

Playful Deceptive
Stubborn Flirty

-Short Tempered -Cocky
-Loud -Harsh

Nature: Naughty

Characteristic: Alert to sounds

Atlas is an observant and patient man. He prefers to know his surroundings well enough so that he can make plans accordingly, he's not the type to rush head first into something without a plan unless he's in a complete blind rage, which doesn't happen often. If Atlas likes you then he's a little protective, often wanting to make sure you're okay and checking up on you every so often.

He's exceptionally playful with his words, often throwing around flirtatious comments here and there during a conversation, his playfulness however can often lead him into trouble and he becomes very stubborn when he thinks he's in the right or when he feels that someone he cares about is in trouble. Atlas can be pretty deceptive with his words and he's certainly not above telling a little (or big) lie here or there, after all being charming is always a plus when you want people to listen to you!

His charming appearance and words often lead him to be exceptionally cocky when it comes to things and he's often pretty full of himself, he's loud and doesn't care if it bothers people. If you've got a problem with how loud he's being, you can find a door and take a hike. Unfortunately he is short tempered, meaning he can be pretty easy to rile up if you know what buttons to push (heck, even if you don't know what buttons to push), as a result Atlas snaps easily at people when he's in a mood of some kind and can often come off as unnecessarily harsh and he often doesn't care what he says or who it effects unless he actually likes the person.



“When a Pokemon with Intimidate enters the battle, it lowers the Attack stat of all adjacent opponents by one stage.”

Move Manuals

Dark Manual: Here

Legendary Manual: Here

Legendary Move

Fiery Wrath

Woe Description

“The move utilizes the user’s wrath, which fuels an intense, hellish black and red flame that devours the target, the user, and the surrounding areas which the move takes place in. After the move’s usage, parts of the manor will still have embers of black and red flames burning upon charred surfaces, and the flames will refuse to die down until a couple days have passed on by. The revived user afterwards would continue to feel an intense burning sensation all over their body, and the pain would not settle down until a few days after..”



"The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target's Defense stat."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Physical.png

Sucker Punch

"This move enables the user to attack first. This move fails if the target is not readying an attack."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Physical.png

Fire Fang

"The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with a burn."

Type: Fire.png | Type: Physical.png

Play Rough

"The user plays rough with the target and attacks it. This may also lower the target's Attack stat."

Type: Fairy.png | Type: Physical.png




"Flattery is used to confuse the target. However, this also raises the target's Sp. Atk stat."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Status.png


"This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. Direct contact harshly lowers the attacker's Defense stat."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Status.png

Parting Shot

"With a parting threat, the user lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk stats. Then it switches with a party Pokémon."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Status.png


Dark Pulse

"The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. This may also make the target flinch."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Special.png

Hone Claws

"The user sharpens its claws to boost its Attack stat and accuracy."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Special.png


"The user yells as if it's ranting about something, which lowers the Sp. Atk stats of opposing Pokémon."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Special.png


Feint Attack

"The user approaches the target disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. This attack never misses."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Physical.png

Nasty Plot

"The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. This sharply raises the user’s Sp. Atk stat."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Status.png

Night Slash

"The user slashes the target the instant an opportunity arises. Critical hits land more easily."

Type: Dark.png | Type: Physical.png



Unavailable as the character has yet to purchase a TM to obtain this move. Perhaps one will perchased later?

Type: | Type: ????


Unavailable as the character has yet to purchase a TM to obtain this move. Perhaps one will perchased later?

Type: | Type: ????


Unavailable as the character has yet to purchase a TM to obtain this move. Perhaps one will perchased later?

Type: | Type: ????

Extra Info


Sweet/Spicy Food

"Honestly, I prefer spicy foods overall. The spices and warmth I get from having a spicy meal are always the best feelings. It's even better with a cold, or sweet food. It's always good, very refereshing."

Music {Rock, Metal, Alt}

"I've always found myself drawn more to rock, metal or alternative music compared to that of classical. Kind of funny when I think about the past now, something about it has always been oddly calming to me. That, and I find myself relating the lyrics far more."

The sound of rain

"While I don't like being wet, I do enjoy the sound of rain. The gentle tapping the droplets make on a glass window or tin roof are suprisingly nice, it has an odd soothing effect and helps me fall asleep."


"I enjoy the smell and taste of coffee, and the caffiene it provides certainly helps me stay awake when I need to focus. Though my favourite way to have coffee is black, with one sugar."


"I mean, who doesn't like to be warm? I might have fur on me but that doesn't mean I want to be cold. I honestly prefer the warmth of a fire or a person beside me."


Bitter/Sour Foods

"I can't stand sour or bitter foods, they always make me wince. The taste of those kinds of foods don't sit well with me or my stomach either."

Country/Classical Music

"Can't understand what people see in classical or country music, the stuff makes me want to fall asleep. Guess there's at least some use for it but you won't ever hear me listening to it willingly."

Being Interrupted

"No one enjoys being interrupted, I know. But let's see how quick you are to shut up when you do it to me."

Being wet

"I've nothing against people who like being in water or being wet, but not for me thanks. I like to keep dry. So, I'll stay on land unless I absolutely have no choice."



"Fuck those creepy little things, I hate them so much. They make me disgusted."


"Something about snakes really bothers me, I think it's the eyes... Just.... Keep them away from me."


"I refuse to go anywhere high up, it's bad enough that my room is up on the 5th floor of the east wing. Enough said."

Water[Deep Water/Large bodies of Water]

"You won't catch me dead in the water. If you ever, ever, ever push or pull me into water, you're dead."


"It's the thunder itself for me that I don't like."



"Absolutely tiny lil' guy. Always steals food when you're not looking, always follows me around, but I love him dearly."

Galarian. Farfetch'd | Variant: Melanistic


"It's funny watching him chase after people or other pets, lil' guy likes to bite ankles."

Poochyena | Variant: TypeV: Dark\Ice



He’s a smoker and always carries at least one packet of cigarettes on him. Will ask to borrow a lighter.

No shirts:

Shirts? Never. Refuses to wear them unless it’s for work.

Go ahead:

He doesn’t mind if you touch him.


Where does he put his knife? Who knows, but it’s always with him in case.


Surprisingly enjoys going out to visit Oasis’ ranch.


Adores his pet, he treats them like his child. Spoils them a ton.


Will not hesitate to stab someone if he’s having a bad day.


It’s exceptionally rare to find him by the pool. If he’s there, he won’t ever be in the pool. Just near it.






"There's no one that I'd consider a lover, or at least my partner in that way. Not right now, any way. Not that it matters. You shouldn't even be asking that. Though if you're interested in having some fun, you could just ask that instead of poking around."

Information is currently unavailable. Check again in the future, there might be some changes to this..




Best Friend/Family

"You'e asking about Lil, huh? She's wonderful. I spend a lot of time with her, she's my best friend and she's family. She knows how to get up to all sorts of mischief, she's a real riot to be around. I admire her gall to stand up and make a racket when it's need, hell even when it's not hahaha! She's family, you don't mess around with family. Though some times, she does confuse me with some of her actions. Regardless, she and I don't need to talk to know what the other's thinking. She's there when I need her, and I'll be there when she needs me. Girl's a blast to be around, literally and figuratively, and I wouldn't want another person to be by my side in any situation. She's got a good heart and I just want her to be happy..."




Good Friend/Colleague/Family

"Odi's a good guy, he can be very quiet if you ask me. Nothing wrong with that. He was there when I went to help out Oasis' ranch. I know he was super attached to the ferals there. He was also a really hard worker, I should know especially seeing as I work with him. Not a fan of fancy tricks while working though, but I suppose I can get why. He's more serious about the job than I am, but I know he's got my back whenever I need it. I'll have his back too. Much like most of my friends, he's like family.."


Roadkill (RK)

Good Friend/Family

"RK? Hell, the guy's pretty chill. Hardworker and he's got a smart head on his shoulders, I respect that. Man knows what he has to do and he does it right. Haven't seen him lose his shit yet, he's a quiet kind of guy. I don't mind sharing a smoke or two with him when he needs it or wants it. He's also like family, always there when you need him. So I definitely ain't about to leave him when he needs a hand."



Good Friend/Family [Deceased]

"Finny? Kid's as good as gold he is. Good head on his shoulders, and brave to boot. He's a good friend of mine, I admire the kid. He's not afraid to stand up for himself, even if he is scared to death half the time. Can't imagine why he's in this hellhole but, it's nice to have him around. He doesn't quite seem like himself lately though, wish he'd talk to me more. Kids also very much family, he's like a little brother, one of the first people I got to meet here."

"Fuck kid.... why'd you have to go and do it...? Why'd you have to go and leave like that...? I'm sorry I couldn't have been of more help to you, I wish I'd helped shoulder your burdens more. Some friend I am..."



Good Friend

"Theo is... gorgeous and fun. He moved in next door to me a little while ago and his welcome was... a fun one for sure. He's good at getting attention, though sometimes it's easy to see what he sees is a parroting thing but it's okay. I think it's kinda cute. He's a fun neighbour to have. I definitely enjoy his company, for sure."





"Sean's pretty chill, in more than one way. He knows how to relax and keep his head on straight when it matters. I respect the guy with how he was when Oasis needed us to get the supplies back to Willow, glad he knew to keep going. Guy's reliable I'll say. Though I've got to say, I'm always curious as to why he's always stoned."




"Tim? The big guy is hard to miss, don't know how people manage it. He's a curious one, I can never understand how someone like him can get around this damned place but he does it, gotta respect a guy who pushes through things. He's a friend, don't mind the occassional chat or hang out with him. Helps that we can be a little more open seeing as we've been intimate."




"Asami? Little bug lady's pretty chill if you ask me, she's super sweet. Don't think she deserves to be here, or around most of us in all honesty. I mean, who can be that sweet and be in a weird place like this? Gave her a hand with cleaning, I've spoken to her a couple times after that. So safe to say that I like her. Though can't deny it, I'm curious about her and her story is."




"He's a friend of Odi's, I know that. I've met him once. Might've... killed him once when I was having a bad day. I, uh, probably should apologise to him for that."




"Clover's cute, though I think I might've made him a little uncomfortable with how forward I was with my flirting. Shame, but it's not for everyone. I'll have to apologise to him."



Acquaintance [Deceased]

"Wasp? The big bug dude's alright I guess? He's weird, the way he looks at some people is a little off putting. He's got no tact either, so he does bring some discomfort. I've spoken to him a few times and he's not always terrible to be around but I wouldn't say we're friends. I try not to be around him too much."

"Guys dead now, so it's not like it matters. Guy was a fucking asshole for real though. He fucked with Lil and that wasn't okay. Kinda glad he's dead now. His crypt weirds me out though, freaky fuck that it is."




"Winter is pretty cool, guy helped me and Asami out during the whole cleaning thing. Glad that didn't go south in all honesty. Not much else to really say about him."




Dislikes(a lot)

"Ugh, why're you asking about that overgrown lightbulb? Look, I don't hate him but I certainly don't like him either. He's always trying to start some fucking shit with me, guy can't even remember my fucking name. He kinda makes me uncomfortable so I try not to be around him too much, if at all. The guy acts like he's better than all of us. Don't trust him in the slightest, but I put up with him when he's around for Lil's sake more than my own. He's her friend after all."




"The blue jellyfish? Don't like him at all, he makes me uncomfortable. I'm really unsure of him, I'm not close with him and I don't plan to be. Even though I've only spoken to him a handful of times, and the things he's said are huge no from me chief. I don't really trust him at all either, guy's kind of an asshole. So I'm going to stay far away from that one."



Atlas' Room Key

"The key to my room. Nothing really special about it."

A regular room key for a room within the manor.

A simple silver key with a room number tag on it. The tag looks stained with coffee, or maybe that's just age. The number on the tag reads: E510.


Atlas' Knife

"My trademark weapon. I always keep it sharp... Just in case. A sharp knife cuts but a dull one tears."

Standard Combat Knife

A standard combat knife, it's the only weapon that Atlas owns though it doesn't stop him from using anything else h can get his hands on to hurt someone. He always keeps it on him and the blade is always sharp. Sometimes he plays games with the weapon, though he's very careful not to hurt himself with it.


"My lighter. Small and easy to use."

Simple lighter

A standard lighter. There's nothing really special about it, Atlas keeps it on his person at all times, much like his knife. He uses it mostly for his cigarettes. Mostly. There's nothing stopping him from using it to start fires with.



"I always keep a packet of smokes on me. Never know when you need one."

A packet of smokes in a red carton.

Atlas always has a packet on him. He's got a habit of stress smoking so he goes through the cigarettes rather quickly. He rarely shares them with anyone else unless they're close friends with him.


Name of Item

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You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.

Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.

Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.

Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.

Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.

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