


1 year, 7 months ago



Pestilence Hound Replicate


"May the Goddess smile upon us for The Hunt"

NAME Takehiro
ALIAS Tartarus/Tart
AGE 42; Appearance 27
BIRTHDAY 07 December 1966
SPECIES Hell hound (psuedo-pestilence)
RACE Japanese-Guatemalan
GENDER Nonbinary (she/he/it)
OCCUPATION Club worker; ex-chemist
BUILD ~250lbs; muscles and wide

Face claim: Kota Miura but more broader jawline and the like. She's asian latino

Anti-hero. Genius. Club worker. Former musician (metal-wise)

A hound that spends most of her time dwelling at the underbelly of Sin City. Her one of many purpose to keep order and a part atmosphere at the underground clubs. Makes sure that the turf isn't a hunting ground (Sabbath) for unwanted human presence. When trespessing and not heeding fer words, you're prety much free range for hunting.

Doesn't favor traveling outside of the club unless absolutely necessary or if she's extremely crossed.



Tartarus displays a friendly and approachable essence with extra safety measures taken for everyone's safety. Partially two-faced it's best phrased like a wild animal mimicking friendliness until you slip. Or better yet, a predator stalking you on the hiking trail waiting for your guard to slip. More in touch with her wild side. More prone to biting and being a threat the second an opportunity for harm strikes. She is not 100% careless, due to her subtype it's easy to be overpowered. Allowing him to be extra meticulous.

Extremely intelligent as hounds of his types are. Working best for behind the scenes thinking than out right constantly striking. That's if he's still masked up. Without it he does get a bit impulsive. Driven to hunt and experience the thrill of catching prey. Tartarus is more well built and stronger than his other counterparts making him a threat. He is under watch of a different hound to keep his behavior somewhat intact.


  • Clubbing
  • Thrifting
  • People-watching
  • Winter
  • Hunting


  • Ahmed
  • Order
  • Surface Sabbath
  • Mortals (too easy)
  • Commitment



Healthy for an off brand version of the CONQUEST hounds. Notable issues is moreso with the vocal cords and a habit of the host secreting excessive amounts of acidic/toxic saliva. Though with careful observation it has been noted that compared to its other pack members, Tartarus is not negatively affected by it. Has built an immunity towards himself, but poses a risk for others until his issues are properly checked out. For caution, a mask is given to prevent any further acidic secretion as it could develop into a biohazard for civilians and the environment. Also crucial to note that there is a biting hazard.

Pseudo-hounds produce their own venoms as evident by venomous peptides present in their mouth. For most cases, the venom can cause lower blood pressure, rapid swelling, prolonged blood loss, shock, and severe pain. Depending on the hounds and the properties of their saliva, it may act as a form of neurotoxin or ten times worse.

Has a tendency to survive chemical and disease hazards. Tartarus is NOT able to get sick by any means.


Borderline immortality. Cannot be easily killed, but through complicated methods could be. Regenerative health. Tracking (It fancies hunting others for ‘fun’), produces heat/fire, special eyes (hypothesized that it may cater to hypnosis? Unclear diagnosis), EXTREMELY intelligent, inhuman strength, sense of smell and hearing.



A main health concern for Tartarus are in regards to her venom glands that secrete more toxins than usual. In early stages of its life it was much more severe than now, indicating that over the few decades it has slowly ‘fixed’ itself. Though, for caution, it wears a mask for everyone’s safety. Her saliva carries venomous properties that cause a burning sensation at the site nearly instantly. Tartarus’ bite can be described as ‘shocking’ by many.

His skin cells have no issues with healing but rather having their regeneration process have a slower duration than usual for severe injuries. This is due to Tartarus’ body trying to prevent itself from sending signals that the regenerating cells are a newfound threat. Her regeneration time takes longer than usual.

Depending on the injury, Tartarus may enter a dead/comatose state where her body reacts as if it were dead. Slowly rebooting itself back to normal. When this occurs, Tartarus enters a dream-like state that’s a violent replay of his life before his eyes with a strong emphasis on repeating the event that causes his ‘death’. This type of state is often regarded as a religious vision to certain groups of hounds.



  • Pain scale 4 on the Schmidt Sting Scale. A bite can easily send you to shock. Bite is similar to a Komodo dragon's bite
  • Her true form takes more of a Groenendael. Hasn't been in his dog form often.
  • His form fluctuates much like Cerberus (RE), Krauser (RE4), and The Strain vampires. His mouth/face splits much like Marduk.
  • IMMUNE to disease and illness, but has his own health defects. Tart's is mainly occupied with a strained, raspy voice. At times he cannot breathe properly
  • Able to regenerate injured areas. Not able to fully die due to the Extremely complicated process of killing a hound.
  • Inhuman strength, sense of smell and hearing. Built to hunt and track and in general: survive.
  • When heavily injured, the body needs to take certain durations as the hound's cells patch the injuries into place. Depending on severity, regenaration can push over 24hrs.
  • Assigned anti-hero. Doesn’t fit the mold for a basic hero. Morals are janky at best. Can have high morals or can get down and dirty. It changes on the whim.
  • Cannot taste. Hellhounds do not need to eat to survive, really. Any non-meat actually holds no real taste or at best ‘ashy’ depending on the hound. The most Tartarus is able to taste is if it’s raw meat/excessive blood
  • Diagnosis: BPD, C-PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Paranoia
  • Mixed race. As Ama eloquently puts it, Tri-color. Japanese-(extremely light skin)Afro-Guatemalan
  • Excels in Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry



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Skinny Puppy