


1 year, 8 months ago


A glitch in the universe. 

He used to be a guardian along with his older brother, Skai, but some unfortunate events occured that caused him to turn the way he is.

He lost control of himself.

And he lost who he was.

Being too much of a danger to stay roaming through the galaxies and the planets, he was sealed away, never to return.

That was, until, 6,000 years later, a particular someone had stumbled across a USB chip inside an ancient gem, surrounded with paper seals and magical chains.

They had freed him.

And now E.Xe, as he calls himself, now serves his new "God," grateful for being let out.

New Information!!! :DDD (update)

After E.Xe had now officially gotten the revenge he wanted, destroying creations and killing his brother whom he had grown to hate for thousands of years, he had now been left to wonder if it was all worth it in the end, this being his only purpose and goal in his life, revenge. But after he had now achieved that, what else more is there now when he had spent most of his entire life trying to do so? He felt empty, and a hint of regret, as he thought back to the memories his brother and him had once had, and how pathetic he lived his life. Without a word or trace, E.Xe had disappeared. Months later, he returned out of nowhere, with the most horrendous outfit! 

"Don't you humans wear these sorts of things?"

"It's nice, I admit!"

"I've grown accustomed to human fashion!"

G, being there at the time, helped fix him up with a casual outfit... Now, E.Xe is doing his best to find his new purpose to live, trying to enjoy his life to the fullest he had mercilessly spent away. To heal and overcome his past, find friends, and a home, as all he had been doing were deeds those had considered evil.

He's not quite sure what's right or wrong, he's oblivious to those sorts of things ;D But now he wants to change and be good! Although, that doesn't mean he still doesn't find pleasure in destroying whatever he finds amusing... As in buildings, creatures, life, but he has friends now who are trying to help him learn ;D


I forgot to mention this too, but he's also similar to beings like the Collector from The Owl House and Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls! :D Similar to power and personality! Ah! Also like Tsukasa from Tbhk! :DD

The Virus mark on his body

  • The line, virus- looking marks on him, expand, depending on his mood! From calm, there's barely any! To any strong emotion, they almost surround his body! When it gets too much, it takes control of him, and like a computer virus, glitches out his body, in which strong amounts of energy releases, which destroys anything within a half mile radius near him! Or a full mile if it gets too much, more even! It all depends on how strong his emotions get.