Basic Info


Kenwe Roland




Human/Elf (Wolf halfa?)


Rena and Ralph Roland


Delilah and Lily


sword for hire



Kenwe is rough around the edges, but he has the capacity to be sweet and protective. He's divorced, so he's hesitant and won't dive into a commitment straight away. he spent most of his life striving for approval, and he's a bit worn out by it, since his little sister, Delilah (Lorry's mother) out-shined him in every way. He's likely to fall for a girl who appreciates the little things (was oddly jealous of his father during his relationship with Stacy, since it didn't take much to make her happy- though he didn't find his step-mom attractive like that. he was jealous of the kind of affection his dad got from her, since that's the kind of affection he wanted) He can be a bit abrasive, but he has a good heart. it's not that easy to get him to open up, so if he does open up, it's a big sign of trust.

RP History:

Kenwe was born to Rena and Ralph Roland. Growing up, Kenwe wanted his father's approval. He wanted to be the best fighter in the world, and often challenged his father to sparring matches, most of which were either ignored, or didn't really go well. he eventually grew a resentment towards his father.

The day his sister Delilah was born, he knew he would fade into the background. Delilah was the apple of his father's eye, as he fawned over her constantly. at first, Kenwe held resentment towards his little sister, but as she grew, he found that she wasn't so bad, and was a nice playmate and friend.

When his sister got married and had her twins, He became a proud uncle, and desired to have a family of his own.

he eventually fell in love with a girl named Claire and married her. he eventually had a daughter named Tammy, but unfortunately his relationship with Claire fell apart quite early on in their marriage. It was never clear why they didn't work, and he felt like she was tired of him more than anything. He doesn't know where Tammy is or how she is doing, as much as he wishes to know.

When his father divorced his mother and married Stacy, his resentment for his father deepened, as he felt he betrayed his mother. watching them from afar, he realized what he wanted in a spouse, realizing that he was more like his father than he wished to be. Stacy was appreciative of all the little things his father did for her, and she was kind, affectionate, and very forgiving. so he realized that this is what he wanted. he didn't want Stacy persay, but he wished for a woman like her.