Finnarel Clandestine



1 year, 8 months ago


Finnarel Clandestine, or just finn for short

- 19, 170cm, demon


info written by - nolongersatisfied 

Finnarel Clandestine was always seen with a malicious grin on his face; whether or not he's actually thinking of how to mess with someone or the opposite.

Despite his constant need to satisfy his own mischievous needs, he can be serious when he wants to be, though it's a rare sight to see - only those lucky enough got to see him look so quiet and reserved. 

Where he resides, certain words are always drilled into the head of the young, old, poor and rich. "The God of The Underworld is not to be reckoned with," were the words endlessly mentioned. In a book, spray painted on the walls or even on a note slipped from a book of a rushing student - it is a knowledge many knows and heed to. 

However, this doesn't apply to Finnarel - oh, no. If you ask what he does in his freetime, there's a high chance he'll snicker, and with a smug, toothy grin, say, "Messing with The God of The Underworld!". Some would think he's just bluffing, or think he has a death wish. 

A man who prefers to be alone with his inconsistent thoughts - a lone wolf who has the personality of a cat - might more or less have hidden motives of his own.