


1 year, 9 months ago


Name: Calamity
Gender: Female
Type: Average
Class: Carnage and ink
Height: 20ft
Personality: Despite her aggressive look, calamity remains relatively calm most of the time. Hates to be touched by anyone she does not consider a friend or family and will produce a very painful bite if you disrespect this rule. loves to paint small symbols on her black fur with her ink magic when no ones around. acts mostly cold towards others until they get to know her. Sometimes her looking into her red eye many will have the feeling of being watched by something not there, she becomes aggressive when asked about it

Tribe: The Infinite Watch
Soulbond: Chimchir

Other: Made a deal with the god of carnage despite knowing the drawbacks, the black patches on her body are a sign of her insanity. Its a common sight for many to see her wandering around town and villages despite the fact she was both born and raised wild- no ones sure the reason she does this however, perhaps she's looking for someone