


1 year, 9 months ago



Basic Info
Rosie Bowie 
February 5th
4ft / 132cm
Male (He/Him)
Pink Velvet
Miu Iruma (Danganronpa V3)
Pansexual / Panromantic 
Dessert Delivery Boy
  • Romance Genre
  • Dating Sims / Otome Games
  • Kawaii Pastries
  • Pink Velvet Cupcakes
  • Demons / Devils / Imps 
  • Anything Remotely Spicy
  • Lame Humor
  • His Bad Aiming Skills
  • He is responsible for distributing the desserts that the food court prepares. He delivers them at the doors of the customers.

  • His cupid's bow is his signature adornment. It has the ability to cause passionate love to blossom between those he shoots. However, his aim is so awful that he frequently shoots himself instead, which sets off his "Lovesick" mode and drives him to become obsessed with the target he was aiming for. Lovesick mode usually lasts 3 hours before he is back to normal.

  • He answers to no one outside of Ruffles and Prince Peppermint. So good luck getting him to spill out any classified information he knows.

  • He's an otome and dating sim nerd. He spends his free time playing them and simping over his favorite waifus and husbandos.

  • He's a talented pianist and violinist. It ranks among his greatest qualities.

  • He has a permanent scar on his brow from when Faye tripped him, and he slammed his head against a metal pastry table. (He called her fat.)


Rude . Sarcastic . Witty . Sassy . Jerkish . Romantic . Lovestruck . Loyal . A bit of an ass 
"I do a thing called what I want~"

Rosie is kind of an unlikeable person, especially one who is rude, small-minded, and sarcastic. Only a few are treated well by him, while the other heaping handful are subjected to his asshole demeanor. He frequently uses irony in his speech to make fun of others or to express disdain. His personal inner work is to improve on his lack of awareness that the words he uses today could have an impact tomorrow. He also lacks a filter which leads to many blunt remarks from him. Ironically, he hates bathroom humor.

He's a big ball of sass with some of the wittiest remarks to give out. The type who never appears to be without some cheeky rubbish ready to spew out of him. Sass aside, he's a very responsible person and is one who is to be trusted. Loyalty is his game and honesty is his name. He can keep a secret zipped tight and locked away. Even if he had each of his fingernails ripped off, he'd still remain silent. He has a knack for remaining calm in the face of danger.

He is an exceedingly romantic person who is either characterized by or conducive to the display of love. The topic alone is enough to spring him into a lovey dovey mess. He genuinely adores listening to individuals talk about their significant others and crushes.


A tiny cupid sent by the Archangels to seek after Ruffles and check up on him. However, he ends up becoming entangled in Ruffles' mission and assists him in uncovering the cause and solution to the Royal Food Court curse.

His earlier narrative is unambiguous. He was only fashioned from the clouds above with the directive to spread romance and love to everyone. 




Ruffles | Best Friend
"Bruh, your room smells like satan's butthole."

His motherfucking bestie!! Ruffles is without a doubt Rosie's ride or die. The two get along swimmingly and work together in solving the case behind the food court. The two have their playful banters and harmless jabs at one another, but ultimately care for each other like family. Rosie always has Ruffles' back and will remain loyal to him. 

Rosie was actually originally sent by an Archangel to find Ruffles and send him back to heaven, but ended up staying as he found being with Ruffles was far more interesting than whatever the fuck he was doing before. 


Mr. Twinklefoot | Tolerates
"soooooo! Any cute guys looking your way?"



Faye | Hates
"Girl leaves a bad taste in your mouth, like ew yuck!"

Faye is the ugliest, rottenest, most unlikable piss-dump he has ever had the misfortune of laying eyes upon. He despises her to the point that he quite literally loses his will to live when she's around. Immediately took a disliking to her when he fell victim to her withdrawn, rude demeanor. He can sense her insecurities from across the floor, engulfing him in an endless wave of gross pity for her. He'll never understand why a girl who lacks confidence has the audacity to hold petty grudges against others. Because of this, he makes sure to taunt, bully, and start verbal fights with her. Leading him to being on the receiving end of Faye's anger (which can get, admittedly, pretty alarming. )

He makes attempts at trying to hook her up with the most unattractive person in the food court, but all attempts fail as his aiming skills suck ass and he can never successfully hit Faye with any of his arrows. Additionally, he's tried sabotaging Faye and Almond's relationship one too many times. Anything to get over on her, he will get on her last nerve.