Chiisana - ⭐



1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Chiisana

Age: 23

Birthday: June 30

Star sign: Cancer 

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual 

Status: single

Clan: phi

Power: shrink self and others

Flavor: honey

Personality: sweet, smol, and precious. Chii is a little bean who loves to be around others and make them happy and smile! She lights up any room she's in and will do anything for anyone. She has a child-like sense of wonder, curiosity, and joy, and speaks in a soft, high-pitch child-like voice. Overall a wonderful little spark of joy to be around

Likes: being around others, making others smile, exploring new things, having as much fun as she can have, flowers!!

Dislikes: gloomy, moody days, being scared, rude floss, others judging her

Lives: Flora Grove, Chi

Occupation: co-owns a little floral tea shop in Flora Grove where she sells unique and delicious herbal and floral teas both to enjoy in her shop and to purchase in bulk!!