Basic Info


Innsmouth Hybrid








Sassy, flirty, comes off as a little ditzy, gets flustered easily, hopeless romantic


Seafood, parties, story telling, water, alcohol, body butters, and moisturizers, flirting


dried out skin, lemons, being bored, heat


Supernatural Abilities:
Poison Glands - specially developed glands in the back of her mouth, that secrete poisons she can use to take out potential victims discreetly and quietly.
Poison Resistance - isn't affected by her own poison, and has a high resistance to others.
Underwater breathing - thanks to gills along her neck, she's able to breathe underwater

Natural Abilities: 
Master of Disguise - talented with using makeup, clothing, and other cosmetics to make herself appear more human to unsuspecting victims.

- Poison produced isn't super strong, a decent amount has to be ingested before it becomes deadly.
- Needs to stay hydrated constantly, otherwise she might shrivel up and potentially die.

As a child she grew up with her half-brother, a deep one by the name of Jynnu, as well as their father, in a small townhouse. Life was pleasant - as pleasant as a shadowed dump of a port town could get.
Life was simple, and boring more often than not, Illuin wanted excitement, adventure, to break free from the monotony of her day-to-day life, her father tried his best to keep her occupied, and keep her within the safety of their home, bringing her colourful costumes and makeup for her to dress up with. She would put on delightful short skits, featuring her brother and father as characters in her plots, but as she grew older, it started to feel like not enough, she had a bug, an itch to go beyond the murky waters that sloshed and ebbed along the rickety port docks.

Upon her 18th birthday, though her father begged and pleaded for her to stay, worried what the world might do to her, she set off anyways to explore the great unknown, walk amongst other people, experience other cultures.
She found what she was looking for, and far more! Though it was rocky at the start, her deep-one genes were developing quite rapidly, earning her wayward and sometimes repulsed glances.
Distraught by this, she considered turning back, hiding way in her boring little home where it was safe and she was loved, but an idea struck her as she reminisced, the costumes, the makeup! She could take advantage of all the tricks she’d learned and forge disguises so that she might blend in with the crowds.
It worked, and worked well, her skills with powder poufs, and eye for style had helped her blend in, to the unobservant or the drunk, she could pass as human.

Her first kill came as a surprise to both victim and her! She found vast amounts of entertainment within bars and pubs, never passing up for a chance at delicious cocktails and other drinks. Of course with high volumes of alcohol comes with impaired judgement, letting herself get carried away and intimate with a perfect stranger. They didn’t get too far however, when her partner suddenly fell ill, convulsing and foaming at the mouth until he hit the ground. Leaving Illuin to stand there confused, disheartened, and with a huge mess to clean up.
It appeared, unbenounced to Illuin, that an odd feature of her alien heritage had developed, glands at the back of her mouth, similar to the normal salivary ones, excreted a poison, that evidently, upon accidental consumption, caused death.
She was terrified at first, both with herself, and with having blood on her hands.

Fear however, eventually turned to curiosity, a morbid fascination at what she could do, and with this curiosity, came experimentation, she tried it again a few more times, each death caused by her increasing her intrigue, the thrill and adrenaline rush of it all seemed to fuel it.
While she discovered her new talents for killing - she neglected getting talented at cleaning up afterwards, and doing it discreetly. She was caught trying to dispose one of the bodies, and fled, letting her webbed feet carry her as far and as fast as she could, not wanting to stick around and risk imprisonment or worse!
She seemed to have lost those that followed her, but now it seemed she was lost herself, but not for long, as fate would have it! Stumbling across The Devil’s Manor, and accepting the invitation inside, not knowing it’d put her in such a curious circumstance.