
Name: Comet

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He / Him

Title(s): None

Age: undetermined (appears to be 5 - 6 years old)

Height: Same as Kings

Powers and Abilities: 

  • Cryokinesis
  • Super speed
  • Master strategist
  • Stardust Manipulation


  • Tea with sweet flavor butter
  • Board games 
  • Books
  • He’s cape


  • Peanut butter
  • Being reminded that he looks like a doll
  • Wide open spaces
  • Giant insects


Although look young, he displays mature behavior, has impeccable manners and quite intelligent. Comet often acts wise beyond his years, he still exhibits normal child behavior. He’s afraid of thunderstorms and needs to be comforted when afraid. He’s generally kind and honest but is a known to occasionally display unethical behavior when frustrated. 


Comet was found by Collector frozen in space while retrieving a ball from playing catch with King. After releasing him, Comet was confused and distraught were he was. He couldn’t remember how he got frozen. Geomancer suggested to him that he should stays with them. With no other options, Comet stays with Collector, King and Geomancer in the owl house.

Rumors: True or false fact(s)

- He maybe lying about his memories.

- he may not have been punish by being frozen.