
1 year, 9 months ago


Auther's Note's:
-Frista was a princess of a small Scandinavian royal family on a small island.
In present time, it has become to be known as Fofristan, a part of the country of Fidjêway. The island named after her. They say the ancient kingdom's that tried to conquer the island would be ran off by a woman on the back of a water horse, leading her navy and people into battle.
-Ever since she was young, she would look out across the ocean, knowing the foreign people that wanted to conquer them. She would often see a horse made of glistening blue roam the waves. The horse calling out to her.
-For Frista was wild, she was rebellious. Seeking her own adventures. As the eldest child, she would inherit the throne someday, bound to Royalities and formalities. Her parent's wanting her to take the throne seriously and responsibly. Frista saw her duty differently than her parents did. For Frista sought change.
-She understood the people of the kingdom, their suffering. She listened.
-War would wage upon the island nation, and it would be Frista who finally heeded the calls of the mysterious water horse. The horse wild and free just as she was. Protecting and leading the beautiful mare into battle. And during her long life, she became feared and a person of legend.
-It's said she did have children. One of the inheriting the throne, but the island would still become conquered many years later. Becoming a part of the country of Fidjêway.