[Fusionfall] Vincent Lexstein ([FUTURE] Vincent Lexstein)



6 years, 4 months ago


Name: Vincent Lexstein (Vincent)
Age: 18
Height: 5'6
Guide: Double D
Specialty: Shatterguns/Pistols
Weapon of Choice: Nautilus Scattergun
Vehicle: Aku Glider
Place Set: The Wilds (Future)
Partner(s): Partners come and go
Nanos: Demongo (damage) Four Arms (leech) Numbuh 1 (health)
Fears: Being alone, Ghosts, Weakness, Confrontation, Death
Traits: Chill, Intellectual, Responsible, Stubborn, Dynamic, Conscientious, 

About: Throughout the years fuse has been slowly invading the planet, Vincent has had a lot of wake up calls. Getting through her personal demons has been a tough challenge, but after many life lessons she realized being the way she was hindered her life in a multitude of negative ways and she changed for the better. She has changed to that of a calm and helpful person, changing her guide to Double D after choosing to be on the side of good. Even then, that doesn't change her slight infatuation with Demongo after being sent to hold things down in the wilds.