Lillian Zhu



1 year, 11 months ago


Lillian Zhu


a fashionista who loves to be a hero

Birthday: July 23
Home town: Caskay, Luna
Personality: Haughty, Optimistic, Romantic, Playful
Hobbies/Interests: Metalwork, Harp, Painting, Picking out a perfect outfit
Skills: Expert usage of her Favour, Bladework

Lillian comes off strong, and if she thinks you're fun, she will never leave you alone. Obsessed with looking good, she will sacrifice almost all function for form. Lillian loves to play music with her fiance, loves creating metalwork for her god, and loves to paint! She's not the best painter, but she finds a lot of joy in the process. As an ooey gooey romantic, she is an absolute SIMP for her Reina.

Lillian comes from a line of devout followers of the God of Creation and has a masterful understanding of the Favour she carries. She wields her ice sword as an extension of herself to take down any foe, but that isn't the extent of her abilities. She fights a lot like a Red Mage from Final Fantasy and functions mainly as a caster who can get in and get some good stabs in every now and then. She's resourceful and very quick thinking in combat.