


1 year, 8 months ago


1:16 3:11

lucien sentira
human | male (cis) | 25 yrs

a mysterious man, rarely seen around the city, Lucien usually hangs out near the port. His clothing makes him seem like some sort fo pirate, though his actions seem to say otherwise. Rarely interacting and/or speaking, no one really knows who is and what he's doing.

  • looking out at sea
  • listening to songs
  • being able to find a comfortable spot to rest
  • irritating, incompetent people
  • the prospect of having no food on his plate
  • winter

lyric here...

chaotic neutral | mbti | zodiac | tarot
apathetic mischiveous clear-headed

Everyone knows its Lucien by that solemn, silent, emotionless look on his face. He rarely speaks, rarely interacts, and even if you do talk with him, he'd only answer in hand gestures as if he's unable to open his mouth. He only opens his mouth when he really needs to, and even when he does, people are absolutely shocked by the fact that he could even speak. (Though once you get to know him he can be talkative)

What they don't know is that inside, he's scheming a bunch of elaborate plans. From attack strategies to just... plans to mess with people really. Actually, its filled with just that. He loves pulling tricks and pranks unto people and shifting the blame onto others just for fun. He enjoys teasing others, usually very subtly and without using words, just to see them lose their minds.

It's a shame that he truly only cares for himself, on the people and things that are tied to him to an extent. Though he loves and cares for his comrades, once you cut ties with him or he turns his back on you, it'll be hard to avoid his wrath if he ever wishes to harm you.


lyric here...

height | build | demeanour

A rather short (162 cm) pale skinned young man with icy blue eyes and

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Important Notes
  • wields dual blades, one of them has a red ribbon on its handle
  • his hat is optional, though he looks kinda better with it on
  • has a light yellow star pupil (MUST!)
  • he short lol
  • cape is also optional
  • he wears a blue ribbon armband on his right arm
  • markings beneath eyes is also a must

lyric here...

a memoire of the past...

Lucien was a sickly child, born as the eldest and only child to a family struggling under poverty under the bustling port. His parents had already been struggling, but added with his sickness and his fathers soon death, their condition got way worse.

At first his mother was very very close to him and clung to him in fear of losing him, doing the best she can to comfort him during his worst days, though as he begun to grew, his mother could not seem to handle the pressure anymore, especially after the death of his father when he was four, and snapped.

Beginning to distant herself from him, Lucien was terribly neglected and berated, whether it be by his gradually spiraling mother or the higher classed people above.

Little Lucien was now all alone, becoming reserved and distant himself.


Soon after he turned 10, his mother fell horribly ill from her accumulating deppresion and stress.

It wasn't the best experience for a 10 year old, getting carried away by the government officials while his mother laid on her deathbed.

They took him to a rural orphanage where the poor child suffered even more, getting pushed over relentlessly by the older and bigger children. And being in the midst of war on top of that, they had barely anything to eat. Lucien remained apathetic, as it was nothing new to him.


When the war got heated, the government decided to use the children of the orphanage as weapons of war.

Training was brutal and harsh at first, but Lucien got used to it. Though he never even wanted this life, atleast the food was a notch better than it was before his life here.

He grew proficient with weapons and though he was still rather skinny and terribly small thanks to the malnourishment he faced, he somehow could still win a fight with some of his seniors, all for the sake of getting food on his plate as he feared the punishment of insubordination.

After a year or two, Lucien (aged 14 by then), met Sierra and Arein, two childhood friends, both of whom were rather older than him, certainly had a better life than him, but chose to enlist in the corps instead.

At first the boy was filled disbelief and laughter, but after he realized the facts were true, he became angry and full of contemot towards them. After all, why choose such a life when you could be happy and live peacefully? What a way to mock the ill fated boy.


He did not hesitate in throwing names at the two, was determined in beating them in every 'competition' the battlefield has to offer. It was until Sierra made the first move to actually be friendly towards him that he started to become less heated, though still somewhat resentful.

Eventually he begun to warm up to both her and her friend Arein... after they saved his back many times.

Through many hardships they stuck together and later Lucien himself begun to feel shameful towards his previous feelings towards them, now embracing them as his most trusted friends.

cutting ties

It was until they all finished their training did he realize he had feelings for Sierra... then for Arein too. They decided to start a relationship together even during the midst of war, but it was a now or never situation for them.

They'd hang out often during intermissions and truly felt comfortable with each other.

It was until one by one they started getting promoted, things both inside the city and outside were getting heated and conspiracies started circling did things start to fall.

Though Lucien puts trust in both of his partners, others in his company started suspecting and turning against one another.

Only when Arein was revealed to play quite a heavy part in one of those conspiracies was when Lucien's trust finally broken.

He resigned from his position in the land force, even if he was known to be one of their strongest and had a good reputation at that time, and moved to the marine corps instead, which really wasn't better from his life before (though yes he certainly just wanted to work as something else), but he knew no other life outside of the battlefield and chose to isolate himself from the ciptid rumors and whispers surrounding his homeland and completely cut ties with Arein, though still managing to stay in touch with Sierra (although wary).

lyric here...

a short subtitle here...

ex? partner

Though Lucien has still a little hope for her and cherished the memories they have together deeply, he is still wary towards her after the incidents have occured and prefers to distance himself from her, both to keep her safe and also not to get involved with any of the bullshit that's happening back in the countryland.

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


ex? partner / enemy???

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.