Agnes Eberhardt



1 year, 8 months ago


- a.k.a. Zed (sexy spy name)
- Early 40s
- Ze/zed/zeds or zed/zeds
- Black
- Nonbinary sapphic

Agnes Eberhardt is an agent of the Serpent's Hand, where ze is generally simply known as Zed. Ze grew up in Three Portlands, where the anomalous was more-or-less a normal part of life, which heavily influenced zeds beliefs regarding how it should be treated in the wider world. Zed does cool spy shit and community outreach.

"so i think agnes got into the orbit of the serpent's hand in probably zeds mid-twenties - zed was kinda just a tagalong, supportive and trusted to keep a secret but not involved in any of the hand's riskier activities - not that zed was willing to be at the time! but gradually zeds belief in the mission won out over zeds fear of the potential consequences of being caught"
"old flame brought zed, i think."

Has a serpent tattoo that can animate to bite when zed's threatened, though it isn't alive. Scar over one eye. Eleven fingers. Agnes is zeds given name; zed loves it.