Valdis Rex



1 year, 7 months ago


Valdis is a very grumpy dude. Tough  to get along with too. He doesn’t like people, especially extroverts, and even besides that fact his best friend is actually an extrovert

Asher, a happy go lucky kinda guy, managed to befriend Rex after numerous attempts when they were young, and as they grew up Valdis would start to warm up to him after getting over the fact that he actually enjoyed Asher’s company. Their relationship might have been a little bumpy but, it worked out in the end

Asher surprisingly isn‘t Valdises only friend. His second bestie is Terah rose. He was the one who initially had an interest in her as he thought she was more grown up than the other kids and so they talked ( they were like five at the time ) so the bonded over their trauma. Both of them having experienced pretty gruesome things.

he has some weird eating habits, regularly eating glass, rock, metal and apples