
1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Name: Eden

Age: 19

Breed: American medium hair

Height: 5'0 (Humanoid)

Personality: Eden is very what you would call "Happy go lucky" type girl. She is always trying to be supportive and have a happy attitude around everyone as she doesn't want to bring any type of negative energy to anyone. Eden is always willing to sit and be there for anyone whenever needed, even if she cant hear. Even though Eden cant hear it doesn't stop her from doing what she wants to do or anything along the lines of that. She's always doing something to keep herself busy, it could be training with her healing abilities or working at the garden shop and tending to the flowers there. Though, even if Eden is struggling with her own personal feelings she doesn't allow it to show as she covers it with a smile and continues to push along while shoving down her own personal feelings.

Backstory: Eden was orphaned at a very young age due to unfortunate circumstances. Her parents were always out trying to get by, though their family was already struggling more then anything. They were a extremely low income family and lived in a extremely dangerous area, Which left Eden by herself 90% of the time. Eventually while Eden's parents headed out, Eden became a lil rebellious and bored that she had followed them out as they were heading out on a mission to take down a monster that was reported close by. Once they were fighting and had realized Eden had followed them out, They ended up sacrificing themselves trying to save Eden. Though they had failed to kill the monster in time as it had gotten them first. Eden had fled the scene after having to watch her parents be slaughtered, While fleeing she had blindly ran into Akela while he was peacefully passing by and had realized something was immediately wrong and went to check out the scene while leaving Eden somewhere safe. Which coming onto the scene he saw the horrors of what Eden had just witnessed and what had happened to her parents. After Akela dealt with the monster he went back to get Eden and decided on a whim to just take her with him. After quite a bit of time they had settled to stay in a colony which Akela began to teach her the basics of combat and enrolled her into training so she could learn to use her abilities properly as she had healing abilities. Which eventually is where she meets the team and starts her journey with the team.

Abilities: Eden has healing abilities that allow her to heal others, But not herself. Though she has healing abilities, they are limited on the type of injuries she can heal before they actually start damaging her body from the inside out. Though if she goes overboard in one session she will pass out from using up too much energy. Whenever she's healing, her eyes turn into a yellow hue to indicate she's using her abilities which puts her in a neutral state that allow her to focus while healing (Like a zoned out state pretty much). Eden can use herbs or plants to aid her healing so it doesn't consume so much of her energy but its not required depending on the situation.

Other: Eden cannot hear, so whenever communicating she either signs or examines body language to determine what someone is trying to tell her/say. Though due to not being able to hear she can be easily startled if she's not paying attention or being aware. She is currently in a relationship with Wisteria (Ria) (Squishys girl), as shes one of the first that she grows extremely close to upon meeting the group. As a daytime job she works at a little local garden shop and is usually tending to the flowers there and finds it as one her happy places to stay, as whenever she is shoving her feelings down the garden shop becomes basically her happy place to distract her whenever she is shoving her feelings down or anything along the lines of that.