*Nafsi - Ginos Dad's Comments

Dear Crystal,

If you ever decide to sell Nafsi, please consider me as a potential buyer as I am attempting to put as much of Vito's family together as I can. I am contacting the rightful owners of his relatives as respectfully as can be done. I am not counting his half siblings, as he has many. Now, I also wanted to broach the topic of possibly acquiring Gino, Vito's father, one day. I understand he is a very special and sentimental lion to you, but I assure you I would take the utmost care of him. I already adore him so much. Still the most magnificent lion you have created, in my opinion, is https://toyhou.se/15689438.vito. Nafsi and Ginso are his grandfather and father, so I would love to reunite them. However, I will pay a fair price for them, and I do not want to take them from you before you are ready to separate from them. Never-the-less I would still like to be the first one you think of when or if you decide to sell these lions. Also, if you sell me Gino, in the future, I would be more than willing to purchase his current mate https://toyhou.se/15903751.-moja because that is the lioness you intended for him to be with and I would respect that in the headcanon in my version of their universe. I'd try to diverge as little from their original storyline as possible. I respect you as their character's creator, and I would not want to stray far from your vision for them.

I may be 26, but I love the lions I adopt, and they feel real in my imagination. It really pleases me when I can have them with their families, and I believe they are content. It is a very special thing to me. The lions begin to feel like family to me, so it brings me great joy to have them with their loved ones. This is likely due to me having high-functioning Autism, and I connect with things that are not necessarily "real", but they feel very real to me, and I treat them in my mind with great love and respect.

Please, take as much time as you need to consider this. I am good with you enjoying them as long as you want to before making a final decision. I may be infrequent checking my messages thanks to being in business school, but I will respond at the earliest convenience.

Have a wonderful day, afternoon, morning, or night!

Sincerely, Alisa