
Could i buy this kiddo with PayPal? :)Β 

I'll offer anyone Here for trade too, just in case someone interests you. Edit: I do a lot of super colorful anthro designs - lots of mythical creatures and like, weird takes on more common species. I would understand if theyre too detailed for your tastes, but you might find someone you click with :,D

PayPal would be great! If you could send payment to paypal.me/squeedge or [email protected]Β and I’ll transfer!

Paid! If you would please transfer Ophelia to my acct called ElfPoles , that would be great! Thank you so much <3

Just curious if you'd consider trades!! Everyone outside of my mains are open to offers, and I could add on art if you'd consider.Β 

Examples here: https://twitter.com/Lycan_maw/status/1420715151074992130?s=20

Everyone on Lycanmaw are also open to offers, willing to do multiples!

i can offer 2 or 3 fullbodies if youd look at art β™‘β™‘

can't do art, apologies!