Madeline (hc-arpee)



in the bysmalbat discord there is a channel called hc-arpee where questions are asked to build your chracter. ill just use this tab to store all my replies or any headcannons that come up...

October 16, 2022

Madeline loves the caves and exploring it, but she hates the old people who nag her or say that she is naive due to being so young.
she is supposed to be an adult but she acts so much like a preteen 💀 "you cant tell me what to do mom 😠"

October 16, 2022

Madeline loves exploring the surface and learning about things that are different from her usual world, also she absolutely loves causing mischeif 😈 its her wonder! She hates the day time bc its so bright and busy. (her story takes place before the 19th century but she would also hate todays cities since they have bright lights 24/7)