Anke's Comments

Does anyone on my account (worth around the same) interest you? Can trade multiple:)

I can also offer art if that interests you instead! Examples on mawmalade

Sorry I’m so late here but I didn’t see anyone! Thank you for offering!!

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Oh god sorry I’m so late at replying but currently only looking for swaps! Thanks so much for the offer though!

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What is your price range for a voucher? Just so I can keep it in mind if I do see anything :)

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i was really eyeing this guy but judging by the comments it looks like his price is already way out of range 😫

3 Replies

I didn’t see anyone but thank you for offering!

Anyone on my main here interest you?

I’ve thought about this and I think I will have to pass for now but thank you so much for offering!!

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Hmmm, Birdie and Caddie are tempting, could I think about it?

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So I’ve thought about this and I think I will have to pass for now but thank you so much for offering!!

Hello! If they're still ufo, does anyone from my th interest you? Any folder is ufo!! I'm just a little picky on NEIGHBORS ROOM folder :)) thank you for your consideration 

I’d be willing to trade for this baby!

Ahh sorry im too attached to him to trade, thank you anyways!

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I didn’t see anyone I liked there and right now I’m not looking for art but thank you for the offer!

Do i have anyone in my sales or trades that might interest you at all?

[tent on some of the ones here] -

I didn’t see anyone that interested me but thank you so much for offering!