Barlas (Junior)



1 year, 8 months ago


  I want to connect with the lands I come from.  


He/They . Castuc . Desert Guardian

Found as a baby Castuc in the wreckage of his old village, he was adopted by a Xelor named Forhana after she could find no other Castuc around to give him to. Eventually, she got used to the company of her new child, and stopped searching for other Castucs. She named him Junior, deciding to raise him as one of her own instead. She taught him how to battle like a Xelor, and additionally taught him archery. She is the only teacher he had known until his young adulthood.

While grateful for the life Forhana offered him, Junior started to question his origins as he grew older, and wanted to live as a Castuc instead of in the city life he had been forced into. Talking about this to his mother first led to arguments between the two, Forhana afraid of letting her child go, Junior eager to start living his own life. Eventually, Forhana yielded, knowing it would only be torture for her child to be kept around for her own sake. They both started to research the ways of Castuc life and culture. Thus Junior taking his first steps into becoming a real Castuc, starting by changing his name to Barlas.


  • flowers
  • long clothes
  • capes
  • hot weather


  • piwis
  • most foods
  • social interactions
  • cold weather


Growing with an overprotective parent and being different than other kids, Junior barely got to improve his social skills. Even in his adult years, he barely could hold up a conversation, yet alone eye contact. He mostly chose to stay in the shadows and away from anyone else. After he became a Castuc warrior however, his personality grew stronger. As Barlas, he is not afraid of social interactions or confronting others when needed. He might overdo it sometimes though...

  • He doesn't talk much, mostly communicates through actions.
  • Barlas doesn't like it when others initiate physical contact, he prefers to be the one to initiate it first.
  • Being raised by a Xelor, he does pray to Xelor himself sometimes. Mostly as a habit, not out of faith.
  • When he was a child, he attempted to pet some piwis he came across. It resulted in him getting pecked many times and chased away by a few of them. Since then, he has a dislike for piwis.







Forhana [ mother ]

Despite parting ways with his mother eventually, Barlas still loves her dearly. They make sure to visit each other as much as they can, even though it is hard with how busy they are. They make do.

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