Ginkuhara Paw



1 year, 7 months ago


[ I figured I might as well upload those I got since I uploaded Vince. They’re story is long and over back from my middle-high school days. Very tragic stories with these fuckers. ]]

 Ginkuhara, or as she use to go by as a child, Gina, is the standing queen in a realm that is run by Wolves with the ability to wield elements. Her nation being that of…fire. As a child she was a very arrogant pup and this worried her parents so much so that they had actually sent her to a realm that held a mix of races and species so that she may learn of other cultures. This was in hopes that it would open her eyes and allow her understand the worlds around her and what it might be like in taking the throne when the time came.

  Little did her parents know she would get wrapped up in…teen drama. Royal teen drama at that. She would come to know 11 other beings who reigned from other high ranking royal families or just high ranking families. And many more. She would get to know most of them on deeper levels. Seeing them for who they were other than just other royal children in lines to take their own thrones. Stressing and scared as they were, she would come to understand even her own feelings in getting to know the feelings of others. 

 [Im sick as I am writing this so forgive me….Ill fix this up later. Ginkuhara is one of my oldest OCs as you can tell with her made up ass name…=w=“]]