
 seeing-eye dad
30758737_Yhb_18130387.jpg?1664041999 GEM
 "please be careful sapphire..."

 ▶ t h e  b a s i c s 

full name: gem
nicknames: n/a
species: piffi-sisters’ gardenia
age: ???
birthday: december 17
gender: ???? (he/him)
sexuality: no thanks
status: happy 

  ▶ p e r s o n a l i t y 

emotionless - blunt - caring - perceptive - observant - calm - introvert - quiet 

seems emotionless, very matter-of-fact and can be blunt, actually really cares about sapphire, very protective of the people he cares about, incredibly perceptive of others' emotions, observant in general, calm and quiet, very much an introvert, speaks with body language instead of words

biggest strength:

big weakness:

 ▶ p a s t 

read more about the background of the blind lace: here

as a blind lace, sapphire is a child of a race that was known as camelia. the camelia were vain and ignored the world around them in favor of looking at themselves in the mirror. they were cursed by the gods, all the children born from that point on would be blind. the blind children were abandoned only to be taken care of by another race, the gardenia people. sapphire, like the other blind lace children was abandoned by her family. gem cares deeply for sapphire and sees her as if she were his own child. he's determined to protect her and wants her to be happy.

 ▶ c o m b a t 

 ▶ weapon of choice 

not a fan of figthing but he will protect sapphire (he will bite)

 ▶ powers and skills 

very observant and quick on his feet

 ▶ l i k e s / d i s l i k e s 

 ▶ favorites 

color: blue
sapphire's shoulder

 ▶ likes 

 ✔ sapphire
 ✔ fashion
 ✔ piano
 ✔ gemstones
 ✔ flowers
 ✔ blankets
 ✔ lace

 ▶ dislikes 

 ✘ talking/interacting with any people other than sapphire
 ✘ crowds
 ✘ people
 ✘ cold weather
 ✘ loud noises
 ✘ small spaces

 ▶ t r i v i a 

 - voice: tbd
 - star sign: Sagittarius
 - alignment: lawful good 
- reads to sapphire

 - acts somewhat like a guide dog for sapphire
 - helps her navigate and find things
 - his bow was a gift from sapphire, he treasures it

 ▶ d e s i g n 

usual expression: blank
eye color: black
build: stuffed bear
height: 1 foot
important characteristics: 
 - always wearing the bow
 - one tooth showing

 ▶ s t a t s 

created: aug 2014  
method of acquisition: designed
- designed as part of a myo event 

 ▶ ribbons 
