Foxfan ✧ Sona's Comments

omg i love this character! when i was 12 she was a massive dreamie LOL so cool to see her again!



She's so cute. And houses sister-in-law how cool is that

Ooooh!! :00 You found me!

Yees, I'm so happy! <3 I actually didn't make the connection that House was Blue's mate!! o: (Still waiting for that update to show Sona as a sibling though QwQ)

House and Blue seem like an unlikely match but They are truly one of a kind. I'll add sona as an in-law soon. Oh Ray also told me that Kaze should introduce house to Sona ^^

Sounds great! I'll do the same. ^^

And yeah, he told me! : D I'm excited!!

House would be brother-in-law rather than sister-in-law lol

Ohh! My bad! @-@

1 Replies