


1 year, 9 months ago


Her name is Nicole, her owner is a girl named Cindy who works at Paw-velous the cat cafe. unlike the other cats there she goes home with Cindy every night. she's a very well behaved cat but will lose her shit over chicken /pos. she's a shoulder cat, every day when she leaves she's on Cindy's shoulders and on her way in she's on Cindy's shoulders. she's been with Cindy her whole life. she's a very social cat and enjoys playing with the other cats and the customers. she's a bit of an escape artist, if she wants to get out she will. never assume you have her caught, if she's staying where you put her it's because she wants to be there. she's more then a little spoiled. she has a bit of a hard time sharing and will bite you if you try petting another cat while she wants your attention, not hard enough to bleed or anything just enough to get your attention. She gives off "committed 45 war crimes and is wanted in 4 countries" vibes.