Chie Yukimura



6 years, 4 months ago


Basic Information

Name: Chie Yukimura
Kanji: 雪村千絵
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 54 Kg
Birthdate: 9 September
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Japanese
Birthplace: Hokkaido Japan
Current Residence: Japan, UA Dorms
Voice Actress:
- English: Lara Star Rigores (Gardenia from Pokemon )
- Japanese Aya Suzaki (Mako Mankanshouku from Kill La Kill )
oProfessional Status
Status: Alive                           Year and Class: 3-B
Occupation: Student             Hero Name: The Glitch Hero: Error Code
School: UA Academy             Internship with: Egdeshot (Kaminara Shinya)

Want to know how is she? Start to read!

Physical Appareance 
 Chie is a tall girl with a moderate build. She has pale skin, short olive green hair with a part of it tied making her forehead be open, and orange eyes that always burn with passion and wishes for new knowledge.
She usually wears the standard 3rd year uniform, a grey vest with a short-sleeved shirt, the dark green skirt and a red tie. She also wears the standard brown classical shoes and as personalized trait, wears unmismatching socks, a black short sock in her right leg and a high one in the left leg. 5112238_Y2oMNlU9NlWlm1z.pngHer Hero uniform is a tan brown dress made with a comfortable and elastic fabric that allow her move without problems, also the dress has two big pockets for save something she need in them. Under the dress she wearts a black short with unmatching lenght in every leg, being the right leg the shortest and the left the longest. The same happens with her gloves, they are also black and are the opposite from the shorts. On her neck she wears a black infinity scarf and her boots have the same unmismatching characteristic as the shorts and gloves. Chie wears a transparent brown glasses covering her eyes, fact that make more hard to see if she's using her Quirk or not. Attached to them, there's a little microphone for comunicate with Allies. 

5112262_vO5ES8JYESeRYZl.pngWhen she's out, Chie usually wears comfortable and femenine clothes, usually dresses with full-tights or shirts with knee-lenght skirts and sometimes vests. For shoes she usually wears classical shoes or boots that are cmfortable for walk. This gave her an air of the typical bookworm.
Chie is a quiet mellow girl that has a deep love of information. However when it comes to giving out answers or recommending books Chie gets a spark and becomes energetic, loud and intense but this can make her be bit smarty and can make people run away.
This make her be unsure around new people and be nervous and stutter sometimes, this will completely dissapear when Chie will be comfortable and think in the other person as friend. 
Chie is very loyal and doesn't doubt in do everything for the people she loves giving her maxium effort, in it. Sometimes she is too excited when someone ask her for help and the situation ends with an amount of books and papers around them or doing more things that were completely unnecesary. Usually she gives very good advices and loves hear people's problem and give a solution.
Is very open-minded and likes use and apply into her life things she read in books of history, like old battle strategies, also loves study her classmates strategies for make her own better always burning with desire to improve and be a great hero. 
Her obsession for knowledge and her incredible memory make her a very good strategist, but sometimes, during really serious situations, she becomes blocked trying to think the best way to proceed revealing the unsure side she tries to hide and is easy for her be in panic, needing someone encourage her for continue.
Is a very hard-worker but sometimes someone need her to stop cause she can lose her time in researchs, studying or training, for this her mother introduced her into yoga. This make Chie be more balanced and relax. 
The fantasy and history books made grow up on her a strong sense of justice and follow her ideals without doubt and jump to scold someone who threw trash to the floor or is annoying another person, without care if this give problems to her. These books made she talk with herself daydreaming thinking she's alone and sometimes she was caught making her blush deeply.
Is hard make her angry thanks to her big patience, but when someone messes with her friends or with books she answer with a cold glare and harsh words full of truth about how she thinks. She won't raise her voice, and will take a bit for stay normal again, also, she can forgive but is the type of person who doesn't forget. 

Want to know about her life and powers? Here's the place! 
 Chie was born to a pair of college professors Akiko and Takeshi Yukimura. Like the two of them, Chie had the same love of history has they did. Chie would listen to Takeshi’s stories about ancient civilizations and Akiko would tell her daughter stories from the recent history of heroes. At the age of four, Chie and Takeshi were getting ready to watch a documentary about a recent discovery about a lost culture. Chie was very excited and was focusing on the television when her quirk manifested. Her quirk Glitch caused the television to short circuit and stop working. Both Takeshi and Akiko were surprised that Chie even had a quirk since Takeshi was born quirk-less and Akiko didn’t have a very strong quirk. But, they were also very excited for their daughter since she often looked up to the heroes on the news wondering which one would become remembered like the heroes from the past. Chie was excited thinking she could eventually become a hero and with all the support from both of her parents.

Her years at school Chie was a model student. Most of her free time was spend at the library of her parent’s university. After she was done with the selection of history books she moved on to the rest. Anything from art, city blueprints and even math books ended up on Chie’s reading lists. Her wealth of knowledge helped her out in school often. It was helpful to get good grades since Chie had her sights set on attending UA since so many famous heroes had attended in the past.

When the time came for high school Chie tried her best on the UA entrance exam. The written exam she passed with flying colors and she did well enough on the practical exam to guarantee her acceptance into UA. The first day at school Chie was nervous. There was nobody she knew attending UA so Chie was feeling shy about talking to anyone. During one of the training sessions, Chie was approached by a girl with long pale blue hair that instantly started asking a bunch of questions. While most of the others commented that the question queen was at it again, Chie took a breath and answered all the girl’s questions in order. The girl smiled and introduced herself as Nejire Hadou. Over time all of Nejire’s questions helped to get Chie out of her shell. Nejire became Chie’s first friend at UA. Soon Nejire introduced Chie to Tamaki Amajiki and Mirio Togata and over time they became a good group of friends.

During her time at UA Chie was able to watch as her friends became known as the top students at UA called “The Big 3”. Chie was very happy for her friends because she knew they all had the makings of great heroes. It wasn’t just her friends because Chie has found success at UA as well. Over the first couple years she did well in the sports festivals, she was able to start an internship under the hero Edgeshot and started the Literary Club. As a third year Chie is trying her best to not only make a last good impression for all the hero agencies but to also be a good sempai for all the new first years.
Quirk:  Glitch
Type: Emitter
Range: 30 meters
This Quirk allows the user to cause disruption or glitch, a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment. Chie can manipulate glitches of any kind, whether physical, biological, technological, etc. However, the user does not have absolute control over glitches as the glitches can happen with random level of graveness and can cause a chain reaction that could glitch near objects or people. This gave her a lot of problems at the beginning and be unsure about herself.
Thanks to the inspiration of Mirio, Chie takes him as a role-model and start to focus more in have control about the glitches and dominate them. Wasn't an easy work but at her 3rd year she achieved has a very good control about where will appear the glitches, what type of glitch and avoid chain glitches. However, if the situation makes her lost focus and be scared or stressed will lost control and the glitches will become wild again.
Chie is able to create and also erase the glitches, also, depending of her wealth the time of the glitches will variate, as better wealth will have long time, as worst health less time.
- Advantadges:
1.Can be any type of Glitch and affect almost all, persons, animals, plants, technological machines...
2.Some Glitches can be used in own benefit, for example, with tenchonolical machines that will allow Chie control them.
3.In humans or animals, can make them lost the correct management of their body, like in a leg or an arm, depending of the quirk of the enemy, it can even make them not able to use them.
- Disvantadges:
1.If not have a full or good level of control over glitches, they can affect to other Heros, Civilians, or allies technological systems. Same goes with Chain Glitches, can start in the enemy side and expand to the allies side.
2.The Glitches of own benefit are the only ones that can't be controled, and appear randomly, isn't good trust on them.
3.If aren't controlled, the glitches can kill someone, for example, with a random glitch on a vital organ. 

When her quirk is activated is visible in her eyes
chie_ojos_by_jusace-dc2nr7k.png- Stats:

Power 2/5
Speed   2/5
Technique  5/5    
Intelligence 5/5
Cooperativeness 3/5

Another little things about her you maybe want to know 
Reading: Chie has a lot of books in her house and room, and is always looking for new ones. As avid reader, she has a lot of History and Archelology books by her parents, but also enjoys kinghts and princesses books being this one of the motives for be an Hero, the love she developed for knights and the wish to be like them. Loves the psicological/mistery books that make the reader think and make conclusions and gardening books.
Make puzzles: Thanks to her father, Chie developed a big love for puzzles, she has some done hanging in the wall of her room, generally based in fantasy or myths. She also loves videogames of visual novels that includes a mistery and puzzles, sometimes she can spend hours trying to discover the way to proceed if she's blocked in a game.
Yoga: Is her way to relax. With her studies, complementary classes at college as teacher, her club at the library and more, Chie makes yoga during 15 minutes to 1 hour and half for relax and for keep herself being in shape. Usually she put her TV, a video of Yoga and classical music and enjoy it a lot. After it, she always take a hot bath.
  • Kids, 
  • Mochi
  • Shojo manga, 
  • Archeology,
  • The smell of books
  • Clean places, 
  • Bonsais
  • Lightning 
  • Clutter
  • Litter
  • Dirty People
  • Egocentric People, don't mind if are heros or villains
  • Peppers
- The reason Chie wears boots of different heights comes from when she forgets to pull up one of her socks because she’s in a hurry to get to the library. A few times were by accident but then it became a comfort thing for her.
- Chie goes to the library at the university her mother works at so often she knows all the staff by name. They also keep a special mug for her for coffee or tea during her long reading sessions.
- Chie is the head of the literary club at UA
Thanks to this literature club, she knows Nyoko Kimura and Shion Ishikawa from 1st year.
- The reason Chie dislikes lightning is because as a child whenever there was lightning the power would go out making it, so she couldn’t read
- The reason Chie discovered Yoga was by her mother, who seeing Chie always was doing something, wanted a way for her to do excercise and relax. When Chie was young, both of them practised Yoga together.
- Has a strong obsession for travel to Egypt.
- Thanks a book of her father, knows how to read and write in egyptian pictograms, is useless but she's proud of it.
- She take care of the bonsai of her granfather since he passed away years ago, and after read about them, the bonsai is in perfect conditions, it leaves are cut in some geometrical forms.
- Has a photo in her study desk of her friends and she that cheer she when is down.
- On her bed has an odd skelleton plushie her father bought her in an amusement park, at the enchanted house shop.

  • To Shion: “No I am happy for my friends. Besides history shows that titles don’t make great heroes, good hearts do.”
  • To Nyoko: "This Literary club is made by these who loves books, enjoy travel and live histories thanks to them. All here have the same passion but different tastes, so, don't be shy and talk with everyone you want! And if you need help, I'm here for everything!"
  •  To Tamaki: "D-Don't hesitate! You are awesome! Your Quirk is amaizing! You will be a big and incredible Hero! Face the future with your hands..... cof cof incredible habilities you have and shine with all you have!!" 
  • To Tamaki: "I know my attempts of encourage you are useless.... but I'll still repeat them cause they are the pure and only truth"
    To Tamaki: "If anytime you feel alone remember, Nejire, Mirio and I are always at your side, and always will be"
  • To Tamaki: "Ah! T-Tamaki! Good Morning! I was carrying these books to the library, m-maybe want to come with me... and after it... eh.... Maybe go to drink something?"
  • To Nejire about Tamaki: "I'm not sure if what I do for him is the correct or not.... I'm very silly and clumsy and sometimes I can't express my feelings and thoughts fine.... but I have clear I'll always be at his side, supporting him"
  • To Mirio: "A-Ah?! Stop of do that!! I-I can smile you know?! Y-You're embarrasing me!! N-No! STOP!!!" ........ Now you will see!! Come here!!!!" 
  • To Tamakii about Mirio: "He's brave and strong just like the old romans warriors! His strong convictions and charisma make him a good leader just like the captain of a victorious legion and his kindness is like the old priestes who gave their live for.... no, forgive this last part.... like the priestess who gave their all for take care of the people! One day, I'll be as good as him, you will see" 
Family, friends and love! 
- Family 

Name: Akiko Yukimura
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Relationship: Mother/Daugther
Chie's mother is an History Professor in a college. Is a kind and maternal woman loved by her students and daugther who always does her best for them. Despite this, she has a strict side that her students fear and Chie admires deeply. Is Chie's model of perfect woman, balancing the elegance and wise side of a teacher and the caring and warm side of a mother. Chie always gave her best for be like her and every thing she achieved was running to her for receive her praise and feel the gentle and of her mother caress her hair. Akiko helped a lot to Chie in her studies, but also both loves go out to shop or even invite Chie to her classes for help her as supporter or give a leasson about something specific, showing how proud is Akiko of her daugther.

Name: Takeshi Yukimura
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Relationship: Father/Daugther
Chie's father is an Archeologist Professor at the same college as his wife. In opposite to her, he's more absent-minded, clumsy, easy-going and funny, his classes are famous for have some funny moments and an easy way to captivate the students attention into what he's explaining. Chie love her father a lot and is with he who she can be bit more wild, like jump sometimes at his back or lap when was little, run with him in the house making Akiko scold both of them or do pranks. When Chie grew up, both of them spend hours examinating old pieces with sparkling eyes and planning travels for holidays. He loves boast about his daugther being the first one in his family to be an Hero and always is saying soon they will know who is her when she will become a famous Pro Hero.

Name: Tamaki Amajiki
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Relationship: Close Friends/Love Interest
Tamaki and Chie meet thanks to Nejire. At the beginning none of them didn't talk a lot by Tamaki being awkward socialy and Chie nervous around new people. With the time both get used to the other and Chie start to know him better, noticing his anxiety with crowds and his weak mentally. Wanting to help, she start to tell him encouraging words even if all ended in a useless and clumsy attempts by the fact Chie donesn't know how express her own feelings or thoughts in a decent way. This make she feel bit frustrated thinking if she isn't able to help a friend how will be able to be an Hero, and start to do what she does better, study her own mistakes, and study Tamaki's personallity... since the point of fall in love with him.
With her new feelings discovered Chie doesn't know how react and ends being silence about them, and more cause she knows is only a one-side love by her part. Instead of confess her feelings she decides stay at him side and help him every time he needs it just like a friend will do. Both of them spend time together with Nejire and Mirio, being the four of them very close, and every time Mirio and Nejire were all excited talking or doing something, Chie take her opportunity to be closer to Tamaki, just chatting informally, Chie giving him some book that maybe will help him, asking for help or proposing him train together. These things allowed Tamaki know more about Chie and start to see and discover all her good and bad points, and, the same as she did with him, Tamaki accepted them. The fact she thinks about Mirio the same way he does make him see her as equal to him.
At their second year in UA, is when Chie decides advance a bit seeing Tamaki accepted her as a close friend and start to ask him to accompany her to some places, like the general library outside UA or study together at their houses, always looking for peaceful places to stay. This made they discover other parts of their personallities they couldn't see being in class, for example, Tamaki discovers Chie's way of relax and even she tries to practise Yoga with him, in an attempt of teach him a way to be calm in public. All of this, the concern she has for him, and all her support and help starts to make him see her with a different eyes, winning his trust. Knowing Chie was a reliable person, here is when the other start to call the other by the first name, and was Tamaki who did it first showing her how much he trust in her.
At the end of the second year, Tamaki notices some changes he had towards Chie. All the time they spent together make him be comfortable around her and appreciate her company. Sometimes, even his awkward social anxiety, he found himself looking for Chie and have a chat or give her a book that maybe she will like. Also he noticed that when they sometimes had some casual physical contact he doesn't mind it or reject it. This summer between second and third, the two of them keep contact and some days they meet for have a good time or show how much they advanced with their quirks. For this time, Chie's attempts of make him feel more sure of himself works during some seconds before be useless again. This summer was when Tamaki noticed his feelings for Chie seeing how she doesn't give up with her quirk and with himself, still supposting him even his weak mentality, but by his insecurity and anxious side decide keep his feelings for himself.

When Mirio, Nejire become famous Chie is very happy for them, but at the same time she knows now they will have more attention than before and a lot of people will claim their help or simply surround and admire them. Even if this makes her bit sad, she still continued training her quirk and wait patiently since her friends will have time again for be together, also their internships take more of their time makig it bit difficult. This make Tamaki and Chie be less together than before, and noticing it, both of them tried to look some time for chat and stay together, and also with Mirio and Nejire. When Chie noticed the times Tamaki went to look for her, even if were a few, a little light of hope burn in her heart and the idea of a confession crossed her mind, but after think a lot of ways, failed all of them.
In the Internship arc, Chie can't stay a lot with The Big Three by her own Internship and the Incident of Chisaki. They saw sometimes the days before the incident and when Chie knows what happened to her friends, runs to the hospital after her job and help them in any way possible. After see Nejire was fine, she focused in Mirio and Tamaki, having a special attention to the second, staying with him while he was asleep. In this moment, she swore herself after all will be calm and fine, will confess to Tamaki and tell him how precious is for her.  

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSIgPNg-4RPLlOgZZDoUiNName: Nejire Hadou 
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Relationship: Best Friends/Partner in "Crime" 
Chie and Nejire are complementary to the other. Since Nejire is always asking questions and Chie is always more than happy to give out answers they spend a lot of time talking. When they started at UA Chie was a bit shy but Nejire’s many questions about her helped to get out of her shell, and for Chie she was her first friend. Since then they have frequently got together to help study and work together. They are known together as the annoying duet of "Question-Answer" making uncomfortable a lot of people for the explosive wave of information asked or the big amount of information gave.

168?cb=20170531041238Name: Mirio Togata
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Relationship: Close Friend/Idol
Chie and Mirio meet thanks to Nejire, and the first impression was.... shocking for Chie. Mirio's open and goofy personallity make her bit intimidated and closed. After little time Chie could meet him better and bit a bit start to be more open and develop a deep admiration for him and his determination for be a good Hero. Noticing this, Mirio didn't changed his attitude and continued being like always, friendly and trying to make her laugh and running laughing being pursuit by Chie when she feels all flustered. They like spend time together but despite this, Chie can't avoid run away every time they train together and Mirio ends naked. 

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