Astara Rockstara



1 year, 8 months ago


Astara Rockstara (Mic/Electric Guitar) #36 (Height: 5"4')
Birthday January 17th, 2006
Ability: Uses her Guitar that goes under the name of Abolishing Pain, that plays tunes that can be played beautifully or summon a wave coded in Red, which is Astara's Main Color.
Soul Stance: Abolishing Pain
Bandgirl Color: Red (Nicknamed: Radical Red)

Astara is a rockstar who grew up hoping to be the best, to sing her heart out and inspire others to look at life in a different way. Her hopes came true and met her band mates in high school. Thus, The Imposing Six was born. Astara is an excited, happy, and prepared girl that can think very quickly and create a small sample of a tune and convert it into it's own conceptual song! Astara is extremely creative and hosts concerts (primarily during the holidays), and wants to be an inspiration and the staple of what people should grow to become, people who love life no matter what will come at them to strike them down.