Milan Jeremy Oscolmia



6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Milan Jeremy Oscolmia

Nickname: Mil, Mila

Gender: Male

DOB: September 16th

Zodiac: Veilistia

Age: 22

Height: 7'2 ft

Weight: 15.4 stone

Build: Muscular and tall

Element: Wind (Adaptive)

Class: Hunter (Narlisist)

Location: Nectin Tribe Lands

Occupation: Pact Alpha

Weapon(s): Himself

Relationship Status: Courting

Personality: Milan is easily misunderstood over his past. He's often curious by nature and likes to find new places to enjoy. He loves the feeling of freedom so much he rarely wears clothing. He can be a bit territorial and too willing to attack strangers upon meeting them. He's very paranoid due to Lessers attempting to overthrow him and his pact. He's often ruled by his stomach, going where ever his nose takes him and stealing food more often than hunting. He's a little lazy and enjoys sleeping in.


Milan was once a respected member of the Nectin Tribe but was tricked into sacrificing the chief's brother by an Inherent Divine. He was promptly exiled and began to starve to the point of Narlisism. He luckily retained some of his Black Horn traits.

He soon became a menace to the Nectin Tribe as he would attack and raid the silos for food with his new-found pact of Lesser Demons.

He currently lives deep inside the forest, making travellers fear the night.

Theme: WIP


- Loves meat and sugary treats.

- Doesn't like to attack others, often just attempts to get around them to get what he wants.

- Despite his Narl brain, he is pretty clever and sly.