Kueng Jwa



1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Jwa Keung
Age: 49 yro
Gender: Male
Height: 218cm , 7'2
Weight: 135kg, 298lbs
Job: Yakuza Boss
Orientation: Heterosexual

Pokemon: #642 Thundurus
Level: 90 lv
Type: Electric type , Flying type 
- Defiant- Raises Attack two stages upon having any stat lowered
-Swagger-(Normal type ) The user enrages and confuses the target.
- Thunder-(Electric type ) A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the foe to inflict damage. It may also leave the target paralyzed.
- Hammer Arm- (Fighting type ) The user swings and hits with its strong and heavy fist.
- Discharge- (Electric type ) The user strikes everything around it by letting loose a flare of electricity. This may also cause paralysis.


  • Cute: Simple as that. When something or someone is cute he openly enjoys it
  • Drinking. (It gets pretty heavy sometimes. But he's not a bad drunk)
  • The smell of coming rain


  • Older Women: There is a reason behind this. He's pretty mature enough, and doesn't in the least like it when a seasoned woman feels as if she needs to inject her input into anything that has to do with him. 25 yro and below, he can just give them a pinch on their bottoms and tell them to take a nap. Older than that? Somebody is getting cursed out.
  • Being commanded or being told what to do.
  • Pointless Disrespect: You don't like him? Fine. Go away. Why bother being disrespectful.

+Kind- As a general disposition, Jwa is a kind man with no true hang ups when it comes to others. He may wonder why it is that someone acts the way they do, but it passes.
+Doting- He really enjoys giving gifts and being over all loving to those he develops a caring for (which does take long at all)
+Reassuring- If there is any uncertainty, Jwa will try his best to diminish it to the best of his abilities. Being a pat on the back and a shoulder if needed. He is the type to make sure that you are ok. 

-Reprimanding- He will tell someone about themselves if it ever comes to it. If you act up, you need to know you act up in his mind; and if he finds it that someone doesn't quite get the message, it could truly get physical.
- Quick-Tempered- Not in a violent way, but it burns white hot and he will remove himself as quickly as possible before saying or doing something that he would regret.
- Over-bearing: It's not something he is always proud of, but it is something he does and doesn't realized it until it's brought to his attention. If there is someone with him and he wants to do something, it doesn't matter what they want. They will do what he wants. And he will use force if necessary.

As a young man, Jwa found himself as a natural leader, needing no one to tell him how to do things and what to do when it came to run a legitimate business, taking over his fathers welding business when he was in his late teens. Making what was needed for the Summer Kingdoms and Navy. Though he did have a tendency to been drawn to the underground. There was so much freedom to be held in providing services for the pirates and those who would pay more than set pricing. 

After his father passed away, it brought about a storm in him that would quell only with heavy liquor. Drinking himself almost to destruction, a friend helped him through. Convincing him to find something he enjoyed and would get him out of his rut. 

So he leisurely took up found himself wandering deeper into the Yakuza empire. Rubbing elbows with the dark and dirty. Finding an appreciation for atmosphere. Even though amongst some, he was far too fair and kind. But it always helped to be a little sweet to those he wanted something from. 

Twenty years, Jwa found himself finding a new hobby that turned into something of a new career. The boss of the Yakuza, running his gang with an iron fist; though still being traditional and paternal when need be. 


  • Fishing is a leisure activity that he will always partake in when offered. 
  • Whiskey , Rum, Sake and Cigars are his favourite things other than pretty young women. 
  • -Hard as nails. Strong as an ox. Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'. Just something about them old country, hearty men. Jwa may as well be made from stone or the metal he wields. 
  • -Please forgive this dirty old man. He has a bit of a problem. Sometimes his thoughts will gradually grow...perverted. Just a flash of skin could easily spiral into deep and dirty thoughts.
  • -Sometimes he gets a bit predatory, but it isn't on purpose. He just doesn't do so well with teasing.
  • -When his mood changes, so will the clouds that cover his hands and arms.
  • Voice Claim

Best Friend: Sato Taro (Huntail)
Wife: Zyrie Kueng (Mega Altaria)
Daughter: Kueng Nubia (Shiny Swablu)
Bonded Nephew: Emishi Yuu (Gorebyss)