Corbin [LVL 51]



6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info








Corbin is a lively soul with a lot of energy to expend. He sleeps like a rock at night, but during the day he's always ready for a challenge! He loves meeting new people and playing around with other young pokemon like himself. He's a goofy kid, honestly, and he's a pretty typical cat in a lot of regards. He likes chasing lights, feathers and smaller pokemon-- and eating shoes. He likes sunbathing and dressing up and overall he's just really happy to be a part of the world. Like many cats, he hates baths and wants to stay as far away from the bathroom as possible for fear of a potential bathing. Corbin doesn't mean to cause any harm and when he knocks stuff over he's deeply sorry about it. He hates being the center of negative attention and he honestly just wants to make his trainers proud. He's determined to be a really cool lion someday, but for now he's content being a silly kitten who always wants to be on your lap.

  • Species - Litleo + Girafarig
  • Type(s) - Normal + Fire + Psychic
  • Hatch Day - June 20th 2015
  • ID - 32995

  • Parents - Mire + Devil's Delinquent
  • Kids - n/a

  • Current LVL - 51
  • Standard Base ATK - 16
  • Current Base ATK - 26

  • Moves -
    • Tackle [Normal]
    • Leer [Normal]
    • Power Swap [Psychic]
    • Guard Swap [Psychic]
    • Astonish [Ghost]
    • Growl [Normal]
    • Confusion [Psychic]

  •  LVL Up Log - 
    • clutch image // fullbody [+2] bg [+2] = +4 LVLs
    • current reference // fullbody [+2] shading [+2] = +4 LVLs
    • drawing // fullbody [+2] shading [+2] bg [+2] = +6 LVLs
    • event piece // fullbody [+2] shading [+2] bg [+2] mission bonus [+2] challenge bonus [+2] cross bonus [+2] = +15 LVLs
    • event piece // fullbody [+2] shading [+2] bg [+2] mission bonus [+2] challenge bonus [+5] cross bonus [+2] = +15 LVLs
    • event piece // fullbody [+2] bg [+2] challenge bonus [+2] normal type [+2] = +8 LVLs