
Please take note that Zale is a man. It's pretty weird how often people try to misgender my sona/mascot??

Sorry for the wall of tags lol


Zale is an extremely old character, so old that I can no longer remember when he was created or why. He’s been my self insert stand in for as long as I can remember, I find trying to insert myself into media awkward and I feel a little icky when I imagine characters saying my name. Zale isn’t really a representation of me but like a character that does my ideal actions.

There’s some lore on him that I made for fun where there are an infinite amount of Zales who all live in separate worlds (different media) who are able to connect with each other and travel to each other’s worlds. They all have a little hub world thing where they all hang out as well. Each Zale has a unique number and code name and there can even be multiple Zales in a single world. Zetzyl actually uses one of the many Zales as a vessel at some point.

Please do not refer to me as ‘Zale’. He is not me nor a accurate representation of me.

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Design notes
•Zale isn't albino he just looks like that because fantasy idk. White hair with red eyes is fucking cool man
I only ever redesigned him once back in like 2018 so ik that the design isn't the greatest.
Zale usually has a masculine form but I don't mind if you draw him as a woman as long as you keep the he / him when refering to him
The burn scar things where decided in 2020 but he had his hair covering his face like that since his conseption
He usually wears all blacks and whites or a really colourful outfit
He is kind of short
Zale is the oldest character that I actively use! The actual oldest character on here is Rei!
Zales do have a king in Zaleland
Their king is surprisingly not a Zale! It's a really fluffy white dragon!
There were loads of human(ish) rulers before but they were all killed off because the Zales aren't a hivemind and couldn't decide on what kind of ruler they wanted
Sometimes they all lay down in the snow and their hair lets them blend in
Zales almost always have something up with their covered side of their face
Philo comes from philophobia the fear of love! Which is kinda funny since he's usually shipped with characters
Trinkets and badges
Sun and Moon themes
Cute animals
Silly things
Purple and blue
Bad stuff!!!!!
Zale Philo
He / Him
Depends on the Zale
Zale / Humanlike