
1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Fawn

Age: 12 moons

Gender: Female

Warren: Lan-Hraeth

Rank: Marshal

Sexuality: Ace/pan

Strengths: Protective, strongly motivated

Weaknesses: Acts before she thinks, struggles w/authority.

Appearance: Reddish-brown, dark brown eyes, shorter than average, freckles behind her eyes, brown splotches over her body, tan underbelly, dark brown socks on hind legs, upright-pointed ears, round soft tail.

Height: 4 whiskers. 



  • Energetic 
  • Confident
  • Ambitious
  • Social
  • Spunky
  • Witty


  • Impulsive
  • Irritable
  • Rebel

Mentor: (NPCs are accepted, though we suggest finding an actually played mentor!)

Muddy Paw/Private/Pupil: n/a

Family: Mother: Lilac, Dad: Stag, Brother: Roe, Sister: Thyme. 

Mate: n/a

Kits: n/a


Fawn was born with her brother, Roe, and her sister, Thyme. Her mother, lilac was a helissi, who never really believed in romance until she met Fawn's father, Stag. Stag was born in the height of Lan-Hraeth, and believes in Omnis, he's very devoted. Fawn was always rebellious and her father and brother were strict rule followers. Her sister always wondered about the rest of the world because of her mothers stories from her time as a helissi. Her sister starts wanting to become a helissi and see the world for herself, when they were about 4 moons old. Fawn also loved the freedom her mother talked about. Her brother followed in more of their fathers footprints, Roe always wanted to be a novice, but he never qualified and settled for cultivator instead. 

When they were approaching their 6 moons, a random rabbit overheard Thyme talking about leaving the warren and reports it to the shaman. The day after, the shaman called for a sacrifice and her sister was chosen. This made Fawn despise Omnis even more, as well as hate authority. A few days later and she wanted to become a marshal in order to protect her family and other innocent rabbits. She was very dedicated and determined in her training. 

Marshal - Current
A few days after she graduated to marshal, their warren was attacked by Bogweed and Buttercup. She stopped her brother from killing a Buttercup rabbit and they fought, he accused her of treason against the Omnis, and said he was going to tell their father. Her pent up anger from her sisters murder (she refuses to call it a sacrifice) made her reckless and dampened her rationality. Roe and Fawn end up fighting, Fawn's impulsivity and rage carried her to accidentally bring about her brothers death. She blames her brothers death on an enemy rabbit. She stays Lan-Hraeth to piece things back together, and made a difference in the future. She tells no one of what happened with her brother and keeps herself busy with her marshal duties. Present day. 

Roleplay Example: Fawn wakes up just as the early rays of sunlight filter into her day. She breaths in the crisp mountain air as she finishes her morning routine of stretches and a light sil-flay before beginning her duties as marshal. She turns her thoughts towards the day ahead, ignoring the lasting images from her now familiar nightmares. 

Discord Username: SoppyFroggham#4158

Are you okay with a plot related death should you leave the group by your own accord or be removed from the group for whatever reason?: Yes

If not, how would you like your character to die/disappear?: