Yuki Hirose



1 year, 8 months ago


"You're always on my mind."

Basic info

TEXT COLOR Pine Green (#01796F)
AGE 18
GENDER Mostly male, sometimes other (he/they)
HR Handle hauntedRaincoat [HR]
SYMBOL Some squares?
STRIFE SPECIBUS scissorkind - A pair of pruning scissors. It's not very practical and he's not very good with it.
LIKES Drawing, Magical Girls and Shojo Anime, RPG Maker Horror Games, Horror Games in General To A Lesser Degree, Upbeat Romance Movies, Raincoats (nice texture), Roses
DISLIKES The Cold, Having Anything Staining His Hands i.e. ink, Bitter Foods, Throwing old things way (even if they're broken), Conflict, Loneliness, The grimdarkification of magical girls, Overly complicated narratives
QUIRK Pretty Casual. Pefect grammar and punctuation for the most part. A lot of text emojis :0
CLASSPECT ??? of ???


Yuki Hirose isn't naive. He knows full well that the world isn't very good or kind, but that doesn't mean he can't be good and kind in turn. His kindness stems from a genuine desire to make the people around him, the people he loves, feel good and happy... It's just a shame he doesn't think that he, himself, is worthy of any of the kindness he shows others. As far as Yuki is concerned, he is as unremarkable as they come, and he doesn't seem to view himself or his talents as anything worthwhile. Yuki may be kind, but he also lacks conviction. As much as he wants to help others, his aversion ton conflict means that sometimes, he doesn't. Unfortunately, those are usually the times when it truly counts.

  Good/neutral traits

  • Kind and Selfless;
  • Loyal;
  • Friendly;
  • Creative;
  • Understanding;
  • Soft-spoken and polite;
  • Great listener, open minded;

  Bad traits

  • Low self-esteem;
  • Enabling;
  • Self-deprecating;
  • Indecisive;
  • Doesn't communicate his feelings;
  • Conflict Aversed;



Of all his friends, Yuki considers Mika to be his closest, and the feeling is mutual. Though Mika's constant pessimism worries Yuki sometimes, he cares deeply about his friend and enjoys having him around, even if all they are doing is sitting next to each other quietly. Yuki is very patient and understanding with Mika, and is somehow able to know how he's feeling despite his notoriously unchanging expression. He's not just Mika's best friend, he's also his favorite person.

Lena Caivano

One of Yuki's best friends. Yuki finds Lena to be a very relaxing person to be around, and occassionally they like to bond over being two average people in the company of two very brilliant people (Mika and Ezza). As the designated "mom friend" of the team, Lena looks out for Yuki, something that he acknowledges and appreciates. The two have a mutual appreciation for old music and old technology, too.

Ezza Romero

One of Yuki's best friends. While he's not immune to being exasperated by her "antics", Yuki is by far the most patient with her endless nonsense, often times even encouraging her. Quirks aside, he cares about her dearly and appreciates the energy she brings to the group, and the two bond over their mutual appreciation for drawing.

Misaki "Saki" Hirose/Mom Hirose

He misses her a lot. When Mom Hirose is home, Yuki considers her the best mom in the world... But she rarely actually is. She's a good mom, but an imperfect one. Not only has her personal quests made her spend less time with Yuki, but it also ended up having disastrous consequences on both their lives that is the primary reason for Yuki's ongoing grief at the start of HollowRoom. Still, Yuki remembers his mother fondly and Saki did want the best for her son.