


1 year, 8 months ago


Basic Information

Height: 5'7"               Age: 17

Race: Human          Gender: Female 

Key Affinities: Engineering, Research, Navigation, and Quick Thinking

Weapons: She primarily uses the tri-powered spear. She also has a variety of other weapons, diagramed in her notebook.

Clothing: Knee-height boots. Cotton joggers and shirt, and a leather coat. All of her clothing is infused with pinion (a crystal magic-resistant bat found in the caverns) skin to protect her while working with crystals. She also has gloves made from this skin, but she won't wear them when she's not working as they limit her grip. She wears jewelry made of crystals that have had their powers nullified. 

Residence: Small workshop in the Crystal Caverns


Ekah lives inside the Crystal Caverns on Mount Eethe. She spends most of her time developing weapons made from crystals for fun, or researching the various crystals and creatures inside the Crystal Caverns. She has a notebook in which she catalogs her research findings, including crystal properties, engineering layouts, and logs on the flora and fauna found in the caves. She only really goes into town if she has a reason to. She scavenges for most of the materials for her weapons. On occasion, she may be found at the market in Innsville buying food or any materials that can't be found scavenging. 


Socially, Ekah still acts a bit childish. Having lived her adolescent years primarily in solitude, she didn't mature much socially after the age of 10. She's very playful and bubbly in conversation and tends to speak with a lot of body expression. People are often surprised by her intelligence level and vocabulary, which don't quite match her childish demeanor. 

Also due to her isolation in adolescence, she struggles to pick up on social nuance. Picking up subtle emotions is not her strong suit, and she struggles with concepts such as sarcasm and irony. 

Ekah is very blunt and very confident in her abilities. She's not one to see a threat as very threatening, because she knows that the single touch of a crystal can eliminate the threat easily. This can and has proved to be a flaw, as she can make poorly gauged decisions in her own overconfidence. 

Engineering: Ekah has had to engineer all of the weapons she has. Her weapons work not through unexplained magic, but through complex mechanisms in the weapon.
Research: Being the first person to discover the Crystal Caverns, she was working with the unknown. Everything she knows about the crystals and the interworking of the caverns is through her own research and experimentation.
Navigation: The Crystal Caverns are complicated and difficult to navigate, but Sheo has not struggled with it. She easily works her way around the caverns and has rarely found herself getting lost.
Quick Thinking: Outside of the strength of her weapons, she is so successful in combat because of how quickly she can formulate a plan. The second an attack starts, she knows exactly what she can use to defeat her enemy, sometimes having to get a bit creative. 

Growing up, Ekah's parents were very neglectful and played very little role in her life. She would be provided with basic necessities, but outside of the bare minimum, she was almost always left unattended or home alone. That being said, if she were to just leave, her parents probably wouldn't notice, and if they did, they wouldn't care unless she never came back, so she very frequently just left the house and went wherever she pleased. She would occasionally walk to the river in the Forest of Charon, or to various places around town. The people around town knew about her and speculated the situation as to why she was unattended as a child, but nobody ever took action and stayed to themselves.

One day, at about the age of eight, she left the house and took a walk up Mount Eethe, and there, she found a cave with a faint purple glow coming out it. Being curious, she went inside, and she was extremely fascinated to find The Crystal Caverns. The crystals in there had a very strong allure to her. She sat there for hours just staring at the crystals, and she would later return to the cave whenever it was possible. Over time, she ended up spending more time in the caverns than she did in her own home.

One problem that she faced was that, due to the hostile creatures present in the caverns, she couldn't explore very far. She was never able to leave the area right in front of the entrance because it was too dangerous. She was, being young, very afraid of the unknown. This would change when she was 12 and started researching the crystals present in the cave. She learned that certain colors of crystals had certain properties, and she would write down her findings in her notebook. The crystals had the properties of propulsion, repulsion, and bastion. And she realized that, if she could figure out how, she could harness these properties in a weapon. Thus, her talent for engineering came to light.

Using various crystals present in the cave and the spruce wood found around Mount Eethe, she made her first weapon, which was a propulsion slingshot. This would essentially shoot small crystals at an enemy which would propel them forwards, either incapacitating them or moving them elsewhere. Over time, she would gain more aptitude, and would successfully make multiple spears, a bow and arrow, and various other experimental weapons.

She spent practically all her time in the cave researching crystals and engineering new weapons. By the time she was 16, she was a master at her craft. She made her tri-powered spear: a spear that can switch between propulsion, repulsion, and bastion at will. She had set up an entire workshop in the cave, where she practically lived. She had completely moved out of her house and into the cave.