jons🎵's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

SPACELAND Global Rules

By owning a design by me or commissioning me, you automatically acknowledge and agree to my TOS. Refusal or failure to follow my TOS will result in blocking or blacklisting from my designs and services. Please note that my TOS can change without any prior notice.

This TOS was last updated 4/14/2024.

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Section 1 - Design TOS
Section 2 - Redesigns and Art Edits
Section 3 - Commissions
Section 4 - Blacklisting and Revoking
Section 5 - Additional Terms

Section 1 - Design TOS

When owning a design by me, you agree to the following terms of ownership.

  1. Designs may be used commercially with credit for the design. I don't really care and will not ask for a fee.
    **Just don't use the art I personally made commercially unless you want to pay a fee.
    **If the design is a part of a Closed Species, you must abide by their TOS' stance on commercial usage. Not mine.
  2. You may create NSFW content of designs by me only if you and the character in question are of age and you do not transfer or expose nsfw content of that character to a minor.
  3. Don't claim my designs as your own even if there is a redesign that distances it from the original.
    **If it is an older design that I do not want association with (Will be credited under my alt, WARPZONE ), I may let you remove my credit and put it under yourself. Please contact me to discuss!
  4. I do not allow other TOSes to be layered on top of mine.
    **Examples being: Trade locking or trade-back to me's, etc.
  5. Do not resell a design for more than it was originally purchased for unless you have additional art added onto it.
    **If it is an emergency please ask me and I may allow you to resell a design that otherwise would not be allowed to be resold for its base adopt price of ($30).
  6. There is no cooldown on my designs. However I ask that you do not adopt for the sole purpose of trade-foddering it.

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Section 2. Redesigns and Art Edits

  1. Redesigns are free reign! However DO NOT EDIT MY ART WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!
    **Simple color edits, shifts, or overlays are fine and don't need to be cleared. Please credit any duplicate files to my alt, WARPZONE .
  2. Please ask before deleting my designs off the site! I will always be OK with it, but just want to know! If you do not want the design I will gladly reclaim it.
  3. Do not whitewash or otherwise lighten the skin tone of designs that were originally designed to have a darker skin tone. You may darken a design's skin tone if you'd like though!
    **You at any time are allowed to revert back to the original if that edit is made by someone else.
  4. Please do not detransition a design that is made to be transgender and has visible indication that they are, such as scars or the like!
    **If the character is trans only in text, you are free to change their identity however you wish.
  5. You may give the designs Closed Species forms as long as you have the slot needed, the species allows it, and the original is kept intact.
    Please ask before voiding species designs! I just want to be aware of it and give verbal permission for it (if the species requires it)!

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Section 3 - Commissions

  1. I have the right to refuse a commission for whatever reason, with or without explanation.
  2. I have the right to cancel the commission for whatever reason, with or without explanation.
    **With full refund given if I cancel!

  3. The Client has a right to cancel the commission for whatever reason, with or without explanation.
    **A refund may or may not be given depending on the circumstances of the cancellation.
  4. Payment is to be made upfront via Paypal in most cases. I will only ask for payment after the sketch is approved if I am unsure about being able to complete the commission.
    ** Forcing an unwarranted chargeback will get you blacklisted no ands ifs or buts. If you have a history of this behavior I will not accept your commission.
  5. I will not work with deadlines or rush orders unless paid extra.
    **My turnaround time is generally 2 weeks to a month unless I mention there is a delay.
  6. I do not work on a "first come first serve" basis. Smaller commissions or commissions that do not take much time may be worked on in between commissions requiring more time.
  7. Changes need to be requested in the sketch stage, or in the coloring stage! Changes in the coloring stage might include a fee if it's time-consuming. I will never charge for edits in the coloring stage if I did not show a sketch first.
  8. My art is not to be used for non fungible tokens, AI, or other similar processes.
  9. My art is not for commercial use unless it's discussed beforehand or a fee is paid later on.

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Section 4 - Blacklisting and Revoking

  1. I will NEVER revoke a design unless it is unpaid for. Otherwise if a blacklisted user owns one of my designs I unfortunately cannot do anything about it.
  2. I am free to blacklist and block folks as I please. I do not owe an explanation why to anyone.
    **If you block evade when you are blocked or even blacklisted I will not hesitate to block and blacklist the new accounts as well. Do NOT contact me if you are blocked or blacklisted.
    **Block =/= blacklist. If you are blocked but do not show up on my blacklist you can still obtain my designs. Just not directly from me.
  3. As long as my TOS is followed and you are respectful, your chances of being blacklisted are incredibly low. ^_^

The following users are on my blacklist. Do not trade or sell or otherwise allow them to obtain my designs.

â—‰ Batpudding - Personal Altercations.

â—‰ MythicalDewdrop - Blatant disresepct to me as an artist.

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Section 4 - Additional Terms / Misc.

  1. Hi! I forgot what I was going to put here. If you have questions please DM me!

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