
One day, so the story goes, 59 Virginis and her young plant were wandering through Vindemiatrix's garden, when a strange aurora lit up the sky. 59 followed the aurora despite warnings to turn back. She chased the aurora and eventually encountered none other than Lady Space-Time herself. Lady Space-Time, not noticing the young star, traveled through time, and the shock wave from this event hit 59. She became trapped in time, caught between the present and the distant future with her planet. 

Now, three forms of GJ 504b and her mother wander the cosmos. 160-million (physically eight) GJ 504b acts as a younger sister to 2.5 billion (physically twenty-five) and 4.5 billion (physically forty) GJ 504b. This character is her 2.5 billion-year-old form. 

"2.5GYR" loves fashion, and looks pretty in pink. She loves teaching 160MYR all about clothing and style, but dislikes that 4.5GYR knows everything she knows. She usually ends up having some sort of argument with 4.5GYR. She loves discussing gardening with Vindemiatrix as 160MYR plays, though not as much as 4.5GYR. 

A gift from Vlxen because another adopt got double-claimed.