Sundae Frost



1 year, 8 months ago


"People don't usually tell you who they are. They show it to you."

Sundae Frost

NAME Sundae Frost

Age 25

Gender Male

Species Human Trainer

Height 5'6"

Weight 136lbs

Division Nero - Safety

Job Search and Rescue

Code Credit SparklyCodes

Search and Rescue Skills

-A fantastic sense of direction! Having grown up in areas where there were rarely ever landmarks to make use of Sundae developed an innate sense of direction. He rarely gets lost, which is an important skill for someone tasked with search and rescue.

-Experience with bad weather and terrain. Sundae is athletic and capable of determining safe ways to navigate through rough areas. If the weather is too much, he knows ways of getting through it until travel becomes an option.

-Knowledge of first aid. Sundae never quite had enough determination to become a doctor, but he took strides in learning as much first aid as he could in case it ever came in handy for himself or others... and it has, on occasion.


+Warmhearted: Sundae is very understanding and empathetic towards others. He can't ignore someone who is in need and will lend a helping hand even without being asked to.

+Self-Reliant: Having lived on his own for a long time (ine what some people would consider a harsh enviornment) Sundae quickly learned how to be independant. If he can do something without bothering another he will and rarely needs help from others.

+Humble: Sundae doesn't really think of himself as anyone great or special. He's the type to downplay things if people make a big deal of his actions and, frankly, doesn't understand getting praised for things that should be considered normal to do.

-Evasive: When it comes to problems that don't have an easy solution (such as those of a social nature) Sundae has a tendency to avoid and run from them. He also has a tendency to be evasive over his past, as well as being open about his interests with other people.

-Vindictive: When Sundae feels that he, or others, have been wronged to a significant degree he has a surprisingly vindictive nature. He absolutely believes in "an eye for an eye" and struggles to have sympathy for those who reap what they sow. Forgiveness for big wrongs is hard for him to give.

-Insecure: When it comes to things that he's not proficient in Sundae can be very insecure about seeming incompetent. Getting him to try new things is rough because he dislikes failing in front of others and feels very insecure over even simple mistakes. When he messes something up it can affect him for a long time after.



  • Hearty Foods
  • Journaling
  • Auroras
  • Snowboarding
  • Berry/Fruit Picking


  • Loud Indoor Parties
  • Being Brushed Aside
  • Tedious Tasks
  • People Who Take Advantage of Kindness


Sundae grew up in the Orre region; specifically Phenac, the oasis city. Though he could admit that the city was pretty as it flowed with water, he always hated the extremely hot temperatures. Combined with the not-so-rare sandstorms Sundae often felt horrible between being overheated and constantly coughing from the sand. Perhaps it’s not surprising, then, that he would take advantage of his strained relationship with his parents to move out at 16. And where better to go than Snowpoint City in Sinnoh? As far away from the desert as he could get. Well, that’s what he had hoped, but in the end he was left with little choice but to settle for Route 217 instead..

For Sundae the drastic adjustment came easily. Though it was always bitterly cold, he felt more active and strongly preferred the blizzards to the sandstorms. Unexpectedly he would even come to find a purpose there. More often than not trainers would travel through Route 217 for the gym badge... but the majority of them were almost never prepared for the rough terrain and weather. On a whim Sundae decided to start opening his home to them; letting them warm up by a fire, and on occasion letting them stay the night or cooking for them. It got to the point he always kept extra ingredients and supplies “just in case”. Sometimes the trainers would even visit again just to show off the Icicle badge they managed to achieve.

Good things rarely last forever though. One random day his parents managed to contact him, and expressed an interest in reconciling. Though hesitant, Sundae decided to accept, if only out of a desire to see Phenac City again. With the Orre region being so far away Sundae chose to go by boat... and trouble struck not even halfway through the journey. A storm that seemed unnatural with how fast it appeared and powerful waves that rocked the boat. Sundae was unfortunate enough to find himself on the deck at the time, and it only took one powerful wave to knock him right off his feet and into the waters below. From that point he remembers nothing until waking up to sand and too much salt water.


  • Very skilled at making warm comfort foods and snacks. HORRIBLE at trying to make ice cream or anything served cold though....
  • He’s always had a soft spot for Eevees in particular-
  • Sundae enjoyed watching contests whenever he could visit Hearthome, but he was too shy to actually take part.
  • Maybe because he grew up in a place that’s really sandy he’s kept a fascination and love of snow even after nearly 10 years of first seeing it. He likes how it crunches when you step on it, and likes how it muffles noise.