


1 year, 8 months ago


WARNING: This character contains mentions of cuts (self harm and to others), depression, and past suicidal thoughts.


name: duccel ---
specie: human
orientation: bisexual
age: 27
pronouns: he/they
gender: demiboy
occupation: investigator
birthday: ---

Duccel (born ???) is a forensic investigator working along Ivy, Dreyah, and ---. He always wears a "soft at first glance but actually passive aggressive" smile on his face; because of this the rest of the team never has any idea of what's crossing his mind, so it's a fun game for them to play to try and guess how Duccel is feeling at the time.


--- --- ---

extravert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


butterflies and moths, the smell of cigarrettes, ---.



At a quick glance, Duccel has a stoic personality, he doesn't show any type of strong emotion, never lets weakness break through his mask, which makes them perfect for their job. The people that know him better know that they like to play tricks on everyone, often using that facade of "I'm just being professional, I swear" to annoy people.

Towards himself, Duccel is kinda hard. They doesn't wish to die, at least not anymore, but he just doesn't like himself or his body, so they're destructive and reckless. They also don't mind using people for his own benefit, but tend to push those people away if he starts to actually care for them.

Duccel studied in the same college as Kaleth and they were boyfriends for some time, but they ended up breaking up because the relationship was becoming toxic to both of them, with Kaleth becoming obsessed with Duccel’s safety, and Duccel not being better for his mental health, mostly using Kaleth to feel better when they were down.
As for the present, he still has the bad habit of harming himself; there was a time where he got better, while going out with Kaleth, he used to harm him instead of themself, and some of his old wounds banished, but when they broke up, he went again straight to that hole. He's doing it less, only from time to time, especially since he's better mentally than before, and no longer has that wish to die, but they're still destructive.
Duccel met his best friend, Dreyah, in college as well, and they've been friends since then. They both decided to work together and he's genuinely pleased with his job and colleagues. His group know about his bad habits and try to lightly help him without being too much, and they care for him even with how he is, so Duccel feels like he couldn't ask for more.

  • playlist: 🎵
  • pinterest board: 🌒
  • his love language is quality time.
  • knows how to use guns.
  • willing to hurt badly if needed.
  • NSFW!: can be both sub or dom, but prefers the first; masochist.

design notes


172 cm


--- kg





  • messy short hair.
  • wears an earring with a moon on his left side; he used to share it with Kaleth, who had a star one.
  • short and thin eyebrows.
  • long bottom eyelashes.






best friend / coworker

Dreyah is my confidant, my best friend, I live in peace knowing that even if I never find love, not even for myself, she would still be always by my side until the day we rot.

close friend / coworker

She's a really good friend, and anyone would be delighted to have her as a co-worker; Ivy is like the mood maker of the group, and always knows what to say to elevate our spirits. Don't tell ---, but I think she's more our leader than him.

close friend / coworker

I honestly think our bosses put him in our group just to, I don't know, make sure we don't kill anyone by accident. He's good at his job, and it's fun to bother him, so I don't have anything actually bad to say.

ex boyfriend

I often find myself saying I don't care about him anymore, but that's a lie, his soft but intensive gaze still haunts me sometimes, wondering what's of his life after so long. I want to see him again, but I don't know why... Maybe to see if he's still alive.
#investigation team