Poison That Marbles Lake



1 year, 8 months ago


Poison That Marbles Lake | Druid | 37 Moons |He/They | DMaB | bold of you to assume he wouldn’t flirt with a rock

slim, midnight charcoal and gold bengal with amber eyes and black paw pads

+ Charming, Quick-Thinking, Sociable
+/- Cunning, Resourceful, Proud, 
- Selfish, Defensive, Cowardly


Much like his name suggests, this cat is poison. He may look tasty, but taking a bite could be deadly. This charming sweet-talker is a lover, not a fighter. At least, not physically. He prefers to use his cunning to get out of tight spots, or better yet- just run away! He may be a coward, but he’s a capable one! You’ll notice that he’s an all-around decent fella, but there’s a reason he doesn’t have too many close friends. While he’s very fun, and can even be sweet and caring if you play your cards right, he can be… difficult, and not the most trustworthy.

While he’s not the most knowledgeable Druid, he certainly knows his way around what not to use, as he is a procurer of toxins. If you’re in need of a way out of training, a possible prank, or perhaps something not so innocent, he’s your guy. But be careful, being known as a snake in the grass doesn’t give him the most reliable reputation…


Poise, the apple of his mother’s eye, the golden child, the sun the moon the stars, was always a huge slacker, but dearly beloved and prized over his brother, Ripple of the Morning Tide. The two toms were opposed at birth, with Poise being the elder twin. Ripple fought tooth and claw for their mother’s affection, but no matter how much smarter, faster, and diligent he was, he still found himself second best to his more charming sibling. The non-discrete shows of favoritism by their mother, Light That Dapples Stone, wasn’t lost on Poise- quite the opposite, and he reveled in the attention he didn’t necessarily deserve.

To say the relationship between the two siblings wasn’t great would be an understatement. The resentment Ripple had ran deep, and only worsened on one fateful day when the two were still only Neophytes. Ripple grew ill. It was just a cold, but knowing this could be a valuable teaching lesson, one of the Druids tasked Poison to take care of their brother. And, in a fit of carelessness, they fed Ripple Holly Berries. The poisonous berries nearly killed the young tom, but luckily Poison was able to get yarrow in time and save their brother’s life. This absolutely wrecked Ripple’s immune system, leaving him nest-ridden for moons. He was always very weak after that, causing the strain on the brother’s relationship to tighten. Though, it was during those moons when Ripple grew close with his mother. Seeing her baby almost die sent Light into a panic, and babied her youngest for a time. However, this didn’t last, as while Ripple lay away in recovery, Poison was beginning to excel in his practice. Once again diverting their mother’s attention, though unintentionally, back to himself.

Poison, shocked by the whole experience, felt heavy guilt, but still pushed the blame on others for not supervising him- or on Ripple for not correcting him and not looking at what he was eating. But truly? They felt enormously awful about the whole situation and how they destroyed what little trust that had remained between the two brothers. Ironically enough, however, this slip up led Poison down the path of becoming rather good with toxins and their antidotes. In fact, he was amazing at it. Part of it was because he never wanted to screw up that badly again, but it also became a source of pride for him. And shady business dealings down the line…

It wasn’t that long ago, however, that Ripple grew sick again. And again, and again… until his body simply couldn’t take any more and he passed in his sleep. Greencough was the culprit to finally take his life. Poison liked to think it didn’t affect him, not saying a word at the burial, but it did. He hated the way they left things. Hated how he didn’t do anything to help. Hated how he never tried to reach out and fix things. Hated himself.

Light passed not too long after. Drowned, if you could believe it. A freak accident, too. She went hunting by herself, as she was known to do, and slipped, hit her head, fell unconscious, and drowned. Their mother’s death felt like he was shackled to the stones she was named after. He took her death in stride, but those close to him can tell he’s still not over her death today.

Now, to put the family drama aside for a moment, Poison fell into some bad habits he inherited from Light. That being: looking for affection in all the wrong places. Much like his mother, he was a notorious flirt and found a lot of his fellow Druids to be an awful bore (though seeing the prudes in his age-group red-faced with embarrassment or irritation was always a fun way to pass the time), so his wandering eyes looked to the border and beyond.

He’s had many flirtationships with cats passing through and easily sends a wink across the border. Heck, he might even have a litter or two he sired somewhere- not that he’d know. Flings we’re common with him, and his partners were well-aware of the fact that he wasn’t one to stick around for long.

And then came Tiger…

Tiger was fun, and exciting, and new. A rogue who traveled all over with stories a-plenty and whom Poison came to really enjoy the company of. Maybe even a little too much… the moment he realized he was growing too attached to the ginger tabby tom, he cut off all ties without much of anything and essentially ghosted him. Unfortunately for Poison, he wasn’t going to be rid himself of that problem for long as Tiger marched right into the territory and dropped off an unexpected guest that he called Scarlet just a few moons later…

Poison wasn’t, in any way, capable or ready to be a father. But here he was, stuck with a big, curious blue gaze staring at him. Great. Just great. Well… maybe he’ll give this “fatherhood” thing a try, but he wouldn’t hold his breath…


Mother: Light that Dapples Stone- deceased
Father: Unknown Rogue/Loner- ???
Sibling: Ripple of the Morning Tide- deceased
Ex-mate: Tiger- alive
Daughter: Nameless/Scarlet- alive

VC: Professor Venomous-  O.K. K.O. Lets be Heroes