Whisper of Fallen Lilacs



1 year, 11 months ago


Whisper of Fallen Lilacs | 14 Moons | DMaB (He/Him) | Bi-curious | Druid

A fluffy, blue tom with gold and white accents of average height and build. Left eye is hazel and the right is that of a dark blue

+ Intelligent, Diligent, Patient
+/- Curious, Outspoken, Creative
- Know It All, Needy, Obnoxious


Lilac may have just been made a Druid not too long ago, but his kitten-like curiosity and thirst knowledge still hasn’t left him. He believes everyone should be a neophyte forever (metaphorically speaking), for no one could ever possibly know everything. Which is rather ironic as he tends to be a smartaleck and thinks he’s the cleverest cat in the den. Very much the ”Um, actually-“ type, though he doesn’t usually do this to offend anyone, but to teach and maybe show off a little bit. While he loves knowledge and being knowledgeable, there are side affects to this, including related his personality around being the “smart kid”, and coming off as an asshole a lot of the time.

While fairly innocent, he tends to have a biting sarcasm. Still, Lilac has the capabilities of being rather adorkably sweet, and loves theatrics. And if you get him going on a topic he loves (flower language is a favorite hobby of his for example), he will not hesitate to talk your ears off about for as long as you’ll let him. He doesn’t do subtlety either. You have to really put your foot down to get him to shut up.

As previously stated, Lilac adores dramatics. That being said, using big, flamboyant words and grand gestures is what he lives for! It makes him sound smart and sophisticated. Not to mention the fact that it makes him the center of attention.


Lilac, as soon as soon as he could speak, had a favorite word: why. He asked it constantly. Which led to “what” and “how” and other such variations of inquiries. While this made him a valuable student, it also made him an insufferable child to anyone who wasn’t patient enough with him. He was just a voraciously curious little tyke, this much was certain. And while some figured his insatiable need to figure things out would pitter out as he aged- they would be proven quite wrong.

As a neophyte, he did his damndest to memorize every story, every herb, and would quiz himself during his free time. Because of this, he didn’t have very many friends totally not because he was a know-it-all and annoyed most of his peers he tried to impress certainly not that. However, he did grow close to a certain Druid by the name of Willow That Weathers Storm and studied under them often. With Willow being as patient and kind as they are, Lilac’s attachment to them grew quickly (so much so he grew to think of them as a pseudo parent), they were one of the few who would let him talk just about as much as he wanted about whatever he wanted, and even helped him cultivate his love for flower language.

Now that he is a Druid, he takes a lot of pride his work and his name. He earned that shit, damnit! And you best call him by his full title, thank-you-very-much. He may be young, but he still knows his shit, and is excited to use that knowledge to help his clan- and hopefully the others as well if he can help it.


Mother(s): Wilting Flower of the Moon- alive, Snow Upon a Distant Mountain- deceased (speculated drowning)
Pseudo Parent: Willow that Weathers the Storm- alive 
Snow Upon a Distant Mountain- deceased (speculated drowning)

VC- Josh Brener