

Name Paencia

Nickname(s)Penny, Sia

Gender Female

Species / Breed Dog / Australian Shepherd Dog

likes The Beach | Drawing | Holidays | Tea

dislikesAutumn | Giant Spiders | Rain


Usually a pretty optimistic happy doggy. She rather likes going camping to go on holiday and likes to travel inbetween different campsites. She likes to get to see various places during her holiday! Her favorite destination is Danmark, she just loves the scenery and people there. Her favorite treat in Danmark is the Kanelsnegl. She secretsly enjoys them for breakfast with a nice cup of tea.

She;s also pretty outgoing and like to help people on her way aswell. Not too afraid to talk to new people, though she'll have her shy moments if she has to talk in different languages as her own!

Her right back paw has a little sea scenery on it with a small boat. The boat appears to be a little magical, as it seems to travel around her paw. Showing up on her paw whenever it's visible on pictures! 

A song she likes (and the vibes that go with it):


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