🕶️ Elias 🕶️



1 year, 8 months ago


Elias Nilsen Reserved . Soft-Spoken . Flirtatious . Empathetic . Vunerable . Adaptive



Born under the adventurous sign of Sagittarius, Elias Nilsen embodies the resilience of a hero's spirit. Blinded in a fiery mission during his career as a police officer, Elias's journey now takes on a new hue as a counselor for the visually impaired. His personality is a blend of reserved stoicism and soft-spoken charm, with a flirtatious spark that adds warmth to his interactions.

Elias finds solace in connecting with others, his empathetic kindness creating a comforting atmosphere. Despite harboring anger issues from his past, Elias is on a continuous journey to find balance, embracing his fiery determination as a guiding light. He navigates life with a sense of adaptive determination, inspiring those around him to face challenges head-on.

In his downtime, Elias enjoys the subtle pleasures of life—a good audiobook, the calming sounds of nature, and the invigorating scent of fresh coffee. His sanctuary becomes a haven for stories, triumphs, and shared explorations, embodying the true meaning of resilience and the strength found in navigating life's complexities.


  • Aroma of Fresh Coffee
  • Sound of Nature
  • Audiobooks
  • Quiet Spaces
  • Empowering Conversations


  • Disruption of Tranquility
  • Pity or Condescension
  • Overly Spicy Foods
  • Chaotic Environments
  • Unnecessary Aggression




Elias Nilsen, born under the sign of Sagittarius, grew up surrounded by tales of heroism and justice. His father, a revered police officer, became Elias's living legend, inspiring a deep sense of duty and an adventurous spirit within him. From a young age, Elias aspired to follow in his father's footsteps, embracing the call to serve and protect. Excelling in the police academy, Elias became a promising officer dedicated to upholding the principles instilled by his father. However, a harrowing mission took an unforeseen turn when a devastating fire left Elias blinded, altering the course he had diligently charted.

Forced into retirement, Elias faced the daunting task of adjusting to a world without sight. The vision once crystalized in mirroring his father's career now shrouded in uncertainty. His resilience faced the ultimate test, leading Elias on a tumultuous journey of self-discovery. In the echoes of his father's legacy, Elias found strength to confront the darkness veiling his once adventurous path. The fiery determination defining his police career became a guiding light in navigating uncharted life without sight. The torch passed down illuminated a new purpose—assisting others facing similar challenges, transforming Elias's story into a beacon of hope.

Current Story Arc

Amidst the ashes of an illustrious career, Elias Nilsen, now a counselor, embarks on a profound journey of self-discovery. Blinded in a fiery mission, Elias's adaptation to life without sight becomes a testament to resilience. Haunted by his father's legacy, Elias redefines heroism, no longer a guardian of the city's streets but a guide through familiar darkness. Establishing a support network for the visually impaired, Elias transforms his challenges into strength.

This new chapter sees Elias grappling not only with the physical limitations of his disability but also the internal turmoil. Formerly fueled by anger in the pursuit of justice, Elias strives to balance the protective flames within him with empathetic warmth. The unfolding narrative sees Elias forming connections with those adapting to their own journeys. Counseling sessions become shared explorations where triumph replaces the echoes of past sirens. Elias's sanctuary becomes a haven, where the flicker of hope refuses to be extinguished.

Guiding others through their darkness, Elias discovers the true meaning of heroism—a willingness to face vulnerabilities and illuminate paths for others. This story arc is a poignant exploration of courage, transformation, and the profound impact one can have, even when faced with the most formidable challenges.




Nevada cherishes Dominik, the wise tattoo artist, like an older brother. In Dominik, he finds a grounding force, blending carefree adventures with comforting guidance. Together, they create a harmonious bond of joy and wisdom.



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Elias Jerrik Nilsen
Puma x Lion
38 years old
December 10th, 1985
Lawful Good