


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Name Meaning:





375 years old

Height & Length:








Name Undocumented, Deceased


Name Undocumented, Deceased


Brother. Name Undocumented, Rebel, Whereabouts Unknown






When you first meet Caeli, your impression of her might be that she is a rather quiet, caring lioness. She seems perpetually upbeat and concerned for the well-being of others. While you would be correct in your assumption, there is more to her than meets the eye. Underneath that fluffy, kind, happy surface lies a troubled and lonely lioness. You would think that someone like her would have many friends and a happy family life, but the opposite is true. With no friends and no family, Caeli does not exactly have a life to be envied.

Hoping that one day the war will end and everyone will live in harmony, Caeli believes that all lions have some good in them somewhere, no matter how deeply buried it may be. She wishes to show kindnesses to all lions that cross her path in hopes of encouraging that good seed to grow and flourish, causing the lions to realize that there is an alternative to violence, thus ending the war. She believes that all lions have a paw in ending the conflict, no matter how small the part may seem to them. However, a utopian world where all lions co-exist is simply unrealistic, as there will always be differing opinions on the best way of life. The dreams that Caeli nourishes are far-fetched at best, but she is blind to that fact.

When another lion is in pain, whether physically or emotionally, Caeli feels the need to step in to help, regardless of whether the lion wants it or not. Most often, her well-intentioned aid causes more harm than good, which tends to create tension between her and the lions she was trying to help. If she would simply discuss her desire to help with the lion involved, her plans would see more success than they currently do, but that thought never crosses her mind. She instead reacts on impulse and usually throws off the plans of the lion as they are not expecting any interference.

Due to her impulsive nature and bumbling attempts to help others, Caeli is usually found by herself in her small den. Most of the lions do not want her around in case she decides to “help” one of them again. She tells herself that the other lions are simply wanting some time alone, but the feelings in her heart tell her that she knows this is not true. The pain inside her own being, the sinking feeling in her stomach when they turn away from her, the stinging in her eyes when she feels the rejection of those she wants to protect… Telling herself a lie is better to her than to accept the truth that she is not wanted.

This is more of a fault than an asset to Caeli. She spends so much time thinking about others that she rarely takes her own comfort or happiness into account. One exception to this is her great desire for a mate and cubs. She longs for acceptance and love. For the most part though, she ignores these feelings in herself and instead focuses on the feelings and desires of others.

Hoping one day to have a family of her own, Caeli enjoys watching the families of the Pride as they go about their lives. The playful romping of the cubs, the watchful love of the parents, and the adoring gazes they cast at one another all work together to fuel her fantasies of her own future. She longs for the acceptance of a mate and cubs, for the love that she would share with them. She is often found lying at the mouth of her den with a dreamy look in her eyes as she imagines how her life might be some day. She dreams of a mate, handsome and strong and brave, of cubs, playful and loving and cuddly, and of a peaceful world for her cubs to grow up in.

After meeting Mitul in their... interesting introduction, Cae continues to meet him in secret, all while praying for the war to end so they can be together.

The desire to help others is something that comes naturally to Caeli, but the way she handles that desire is where things go wrong. Instead of talking with someone about the problem they are having and asking if she can help, she just tries to help in her own way. This usually ends in disaster. Acting on instinct and impulse instead of with thought and care to her actions, she has caused harm on more than one occasion to the very lion she was trying to help. This is especially detrimental during scouting missions, where one false step can leave a lion dead or maimed. As a result, most lions tend to shy away from her, avoiding any close contact or association with her for fear that they will be the next victim of her “help.”

Impulsive nature aside, Caeli is one of the kindest lions you will meet. Her only wish is to make others around her happy and content. She loves when others are at peace and strives to help them achieve this. Her greatest sorrow is that she fails so often in her desire to help. Her kindness stops at her own den, though, and she has no sympathy for herself. She is everyone’s hero but her own.

When she gets the chance, Cae loves to really let herself relax and play. Usually taking on the form of flying fast over the land or doing aerial tricks, she will jump at the chance to play with another lion. Sometimes she thinks that a lion her age should be more controlled, but she pushes the thought from her mind in time for the next round of tag.