Delicate Hearts (FFXIV)



1 year, 8 months ago


✦ Details
Name Delicate Hearts
Nickname Delicate, Del, Deli, Hearts
Age Appears in mid/late 20s
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Demisexual
Ethnicity Hyur (Midlander) / Human
Occupation Warrior of Light / Serpent Captain
Residence The deepwoods of Gridania
✦ Appearance
Height 5'9''
Body Type Standard
Hair Style Short
Hair Color Black with white highlights on the ends
Eye Color Cyan (Right Eye) and Golden (Left Eye)
Skin Color Light
Clothing Style Varies
Posture Normal
Other N/A
✦ Likes
- Hanging out with Serene
- Assising those in need
- Putting his skills to practical use
- Relaxing, particularly with his loved one
- Snacks
✦ Dislikes
- Arguing and Arguments in general
- Injustice
- Deceit / Lying
- Disrespectful
- Selfishness
✦ Traits
- Calm
- Quiet / Reserved
- Protecive
- Heartwarming
- Kindhearted
✦ Quirks
✦ Hobbies
- Observing Serene
- Fishing
- Adventuring / Exloring
- Casual housework
- Ninjitsu
✦ Skills
- Dual Daggers
- Ninjitsu
- Archery (minor)
- Stealth
- Melee Combat
✦ Personality Traits
  •  Optimist 

  •  Rude 

  •  Peaceful 

  •  Playful 

  •  Creative 

  •  Lethargic 

  •  Follower 

  •  Brave 

  •  Insecure 

  •  Intelligent 

  •  Wise 

  •  Forgetful 

  •  Impulsive 

  •  Neat 

  •  Curious 

  •  Clumsy 

  •  Patient 

  •  Liar 

✦ General Backstory

Delicate Hearts (birth name unknown) was born in the Far East to a couple who ended up getting into trouble with an influential clan. His parents only wanted what was best for him, and they felt that it was necessary to flee across the Seas to the West so that they could have a normal life and raise Delicate--so flee they did.

Unfortunately, and it wasn't until roughly a year later, they had been found and the persuants were not very happy. Delicate's parent hid him away in a desparate attempt to save his life, and right before him, his parents were taken away--those screams etched into the poor child's deepest memories. Their belongings and house were aflame, and Delicate waited until it was quiet, and fled into the deepwoods.

Dirty and tattered, the child found himself on the doorsteps of a remote house--the dwelling of Serene and her family--and her parents took him in awe. Serene's parents were friends with the Orphange Elder, and therefore they delivered Delicate unto him--where Delicate lived and thrived, learning the ways of Ninjitsu, peace, serenity, and kindness. He spent much time with the Elder, and the Elder bestowed him the name "Delicate Hearts" due to his kind nature and desire to help those in need.

When Serene came to the oprhanage for a year, the two bonded and became close friends. They did everything together--fishing, playing, telling each other stories and sharing things about their lives. Though despite their share of personal information, Delicate found it very difficult to recall anything before coming to the West. He couldn't understand why it was so difficult to recall the details of what happened over there, or the journey to the West...or even who those men were that wanted them dead. He also couln't remember his own name before Delicate.

Eventually, Serene's mother came back and took her away, but not before Serene promised Delicate that she would come visit. Knowing it wasn't the last time he would see her, Delicate was happy to look forward to the days to come...but those days grew very long, and she never came back. He wondered why, but he felt in his heart that something might have happened...her father was nowhere to be seen after all. He just hoped that she was okay.

Many years went by, and Delicate reached the age of 16, where the Elder felt he was old enough that it was time for him to see the world through his own two eyes. Delicate bid farewell to his fellow Oprhanage friends and sought off on his own personal journey.

After departing from the Oprhanage, Delicate Hearts' first journey was back to Serene's house--but it looked empty and abandoned. Nobody was home, nor did it look like anyone had been home lately. Saddened, he found no choice but to move forward. He would definitely come back, though... He had hope that he would see her again.

Afterwards, he went to New Gridania and enrolled in the Serpent's Officer Academy, spending a year there, occasionally revisiting Serene's house with no luck--but after that year went by and he made great progress to becoming a Serpent Officer, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar face. It was none other than Serene herself...also in the Serpent Academy, giving a speech. The two, shocked, ended up talking with each other and catchcing up. From there, they seemed quite inseprable and attached, however the two would not admit to their hidden feelings for each other.

They would spend two year at the Academy together before Hydaelyn called forth for Delicate to become a Warrior of Light, and when Serene finally got a lead on her own journey. The two regretfully parted ways once again, promising, for real this time, that they would meet again.

Delicate, alongside his other Warrior of Light companions, went through many trials and tribulations until Delicate's personal path led him to track down an Ascian that was responsible for many dark magic and twisted creations--this led him to intersect into Serene's path once more, where he arrived just in time to save her life. From this moment , the two vowed a deep bond, promsing themselves to one another and that they would never leave each other's side ever again.

✦ Trivia
● Delicate is well-versed in the arts of Ninjitsu, however does not necessarily seem like a Ninja in most senses,
● While at the Academy for the first year, Delicate visited Serene's house once a month to see if she was there--he really wanted to see her again. But every time he seemed to miss her, even narrowly sometimes. This was during the times that Serene was going off on mercenary tasks.
● Though the two showed themselves as simply friends during their time at the Academy, the two knew that there was something deeper--and it made it all the more special that they felt as though they never had to mention it. They just knew.
● Delicate enjoys doing things alongside Serene, even if he's just taking care of household chores while she's cooking dinner!
● Despite knowing that it's extremely rare and difficult for an Au'ra and Hyur to have children, Delicate wishes that one day the Gods will bless them with children of their own.
✦ Relationships
Serene Hearts These two share a deep bond, which they have both sworn to each other. Fighting side-by-side in this world full of turmoil, the two are inseprable and guard each other with their lives, someday hoping that the tides will calm in the future. They share a dream that one day they will be able to share a quiet life together in the woods of Gridania.