03. Catherine Crest



8 years, 8 months ago



Catherine Crest


mid to late 50s


Race: Human
Role: Mage [Previous] | Various Grey Warden Titles [last being a G.W. Constable] | Commander of the Grey & Arlessa of Amaranthine
Specialty: Force Mage | Blood Mage
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'8"
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Marital Status: Married


  • Circle of Magi (Ferelden) [Previous]
  • Grey Wardens [Previous]
  • Alistair Theirin
  • Arling of Amaranthine
  • Teagan Guerrin
  • Arling of Redcliffe
  • Inquisition [Temporary]
  • The White Wardens


  • Darkspawn
  • Arl Rendon Howe
  • Loghain mac Tir
  • Corypheus



Catherine is the type of person that can just smile and something could either be wrong or will go wrong. She always has a plan and has the air of someone with great knowledge or a roundabout knowledge of something. She's very intuitive, acts on her instincts, and very observant. She has a keen eye when it comes to recruiting possible people joining the Grey Wardens. She also loves to tease people and makes a habit of getting under people's skin sometimes. When it comes to defending people, Catherine will risk her life without a second thought. She will run head first and think about the consequences later. If it's saving an entire area, she will think of a plan to make sure those in that area will survive -- even if she thinks she might not. She is a selfless person who put the well-being of others above her own. She rarely leaves people out to dry and will do whatever it takes to prove that she's there for the long haul. When it comes to anything for the Grey Wardens, she puts them first. Knowing that the order has to survive. She'll also get nasty towards anyone outside the order and for good reason. They claim that Wardens are justifiable in their causes however Catherine knows that the Wardens must take into consideration that the one thing that might be bad might save the world. She could careless if anyone else outside the order gets swept away when it concerns the Grey Wardens.


Catherine was born in Amaranthine, sometime after Orlais was forced out of Ferelden. She and her mother were indentured servants to the family who ruled over the arling; the Howes. She had only her mother to depend on until the Howes realized she could use magic. So when she was seven, Catherine was sent to the Circle of Magi.

During her years of living at the Circle, Catherine made quite a reputation for herself. She was always plotting a way to escape the tower, skip lessons, piss off the templars, and just about anything to tick off the templars and cause trouble. She hated living in the tower and felt like a prisoner -- like many of the mages around her. However, she did take her lessons seriously and showed a great promise with her magical talents. After passing her Harrowing, Catherine began to research different types of lost magic -- that she could find in the Circle's library -- but most of what she learned was something she had a round about knowledge on; such as the forbidden magicks, or blood magic. She learned more about it whenever she had the time and when no one was around to catch her in the act.

One day a Grey Warden came by the tower; to visit the First Enchanter. Catherine thought very highly about the warden himself however she thought the recruits he brought with him weren't of much use; as they sneered at all the mages and scoffed them away. One of her friends took an interest in the wardens appearance as she had but not in the same sense. He managed to trick Catherine into following him and another one of their friends into going towards the tower's basement to destroy his phylactery. Once they got out of the basement they were surrounded by the templars -- including both the Knight-Commander and First Enchanter.

Catherine tried to talk her way out of it but during the conversation, her friend had used blood magic to try and kill everyone around him and get out of the tower. However, Catherine used blood magic to counter it but everyone had already fallen unconscious -- she tried to prevent her friend from killing everyone and managed to save the lives of the Knight-Commander, First Enchanter and the Grey Warden -- who was eavesdropping. When everyone woke up, Catherine's friend had disappeared and most of the templars were dead -- lucky for Catherine, no one remembered she had used blood magic to save them. The Knight-Commander was enraged by the situation and was ready to let Catherine be blamed for what happened but the Grey Warden had intervened and instead conscripted her to join them. And with that Catherine left the Circle -- both happy and sad about it.

Catherine traveled with her new companions to Adamant; a Grey Warden outpost in Orlais. She survived the Joining ritual and set out to train with her new mentor. Catherine spent the next decade and a half rising through the ranks of the wardens and venturing to places that she normally wouldn't be allowed to. Such as traveling through Orlais, going to the Free Marches, Antiva, the Anderfels, and even bordering on making several trips to the Tevinter Imperium. She also was able to become a master of the main magic schools (primal, entropy, spirit, and creation) and learned how to use a few more (force, blood, and elemental). Overall, Catherine became a strong mage that was able to use whatever was around her as a weapon basically.

During her travels, Catherine and a partner in which she spent a majority of her time with. However the pair made a mistake and had a child. Catherine, knowing that the darkspawn taint would kill her daughter in a matter of minutes, pleaded to a being in the Fade to protect her child. And thus, Draco was "born". Despite her happiness, Catherine had to give Alison up because of the impossibility of being both a warrior and parent as she traveled around Thedas. She did keep in contact with Alison's family and her travels in and around the Circle of Magi.

During the events of the Fifth Blight, Catherine traveled around Ferelden looking for recruits with Duncan -- a man of whom she'd known since she first joined the wardens. She and Duncan managed to recruit numerous individuals from various races but Catherine wasn't present during the Battle of Ostagar. Instead she was trying to persuade the mages and templars to help the wardens fight off the darkspawn if King Cailan's plan had failed -- to which it did. Catherine's attempt to persuade them was halted when one of the senior mages had started a coup to overthrow the templars.

Catherine helped the mages push back the rebel mages however she was separated from the others and forced down the tower with the Templars -- who were none the wiser to the fact she had "separated" herself into a few forms. When the remaining Grey Wardens arrived at the Circle of Magi to help and recruit the mages, Catherine was relieved and surprised. She aided the Wardens in fighting their way through the demons, abominations, and blood mages that were scattered on each of the floors. Once they had reached the Harrowing Chamber, Catherine was at her full strength once more -- the "separated" versions of herself had merged with her and was able to use her various talents again -- she was able to slay the leader of the blood mages and save the First Enchanter. Upon affirming that the mages were safe, Catherine joined the two wardens and was able to learn about what happened at Ostagar.

Catherine aided the wardens as they traveled to Orzammar and the Brecilian Forest. She also found herself dumbfounded when seeing the Temple of Sacred Ashes to help revive Arl Eamon of Redcliffe. Upon the Arl's revival, she traveled to Denerim with her companions to try and overthrow Loghain's allies in the Landsmeet. To her joy, Catherine was also able to kill Arl Rendon Howe -- for several reasons and the main ones being how he had treated her and her mom as a kid and for torturing a fellow warden.

After learning about Loghain's treachery in Denerim, Catherine oversaw the event leading to one of the wardens becoming the King of Ferelden. Afterwards, Catherine and Riordan, the Orlais Warden Howe had been torturing, had left Denerim before the others had to search for the Archdemon. They rendezvous with everyone at Redcliffe and reported that the darkspawn were traveling towards Denerim. Later, she and Riordan had revealed to both Alistair, who was going to be named the King of Ferelden, and the Dalish recruit about why Grey Wardens are the only ones to defeat that Archdemon during a Blight.

During the Battle of Denerim, Catherine and Riordan had paired up to seek out the Archdemon to kill it. However during their search, Riordan was killed during the beast's flight towards Fort Drakon. Catherine stormed the fort to try and slay the beast herself but was beaten to the punch by both the younger wardens and witnessed the Dalish warden slaying the beast herself. After the battle, Catherine -- being the only active and senior Grey Warden in Ferelden, was given the title of Warden-Commander and Arlessa of Amaranthine.

During Catherine's time in Amaranthine, she was able to recruit a handful of talented recruits and uncovered a terrible secret about the darkspawn that were in the area. Not all of them fled after the Archdemon fell and instead a few of them were able to speak and show intelligence. As Catherine learned more, she saw that there were two groups of darkspawn that were intent on killing each other and learned that one of them was intent on learning more about the Grey Wardens. With all the help she could muster, Catherine was able to save both Vigil's Keep and the City of Amarathine from being overrun by darkspawn. She then managed to kill the aggressive darkspawn leader -- who was a broodmother -- and had to let the other escape. She searched relentlesslyfor the next couple of years before finding it again and killing it.

Ten years passed before Catherine had a chance to leave her post at Amaranthine. She was sought out by the Champion of Kirkwall; who was curious to know if anything weird was going on with her wardens. She didn't see anything strange about them -- other than a few hearing the Calling when most of them were a few years too young. She traveled with Hawke to Crestwood and learned about what was going on from another fellow warden -- Stroud. She then aided them and the Inquisition in overthrowing the wardens at Adamant and pledged her service to the Inquisition's cause; and being the temporary commander of the Orlais Grey Wardens. She returned to Amaranthine to settle a few matters before returning with a group of wardens at Skyhold. After Corypheus' death, she returned to Amaranthine and left her post as the Commander of Orlais but is in constant communication with her Orlesian brethren. Or so she would like people to believe. She accompanied two of her children, Kiara and Aiden into the Free Marches in search of an old Warden that was connected to her family. She managed to manipulate Alison into meeting her siblings and even helped her free Tanaleth Crest from whatever kept her bound to the Fade.

About a year later, in 9:42 Dragon, Catherine would travel to Weisshaupt Fortress with the new Warden-Commander of Orlais. The two would petition the First Warden for a possibility in trying to convince the First Warden to hear their pleas. The talks would go on for a few months but reach no conclusions. Catherine would then apologize to the First Warden and create all the paperwork and documents necessary for a peaceful transition. The three would officially coin the terms "White" and "Black" Wardens, for they're no longer Grey and see the same ideals anymore. The First Warden very much regrets seeing this come to be but isn't resentful towards Catherine's decision.

In 9:44 Dragon, Catherine would declare that the Grey Wardens were no more. Any Warden in Southern Thedas was now a member of the White Wardens and any Wardens that rejected them, were dubbed Black Wardens. Any who joined either branch could freely transfer to either side as the three senior most wardens agreed to this and want little bloodshed possible. This occurs after the Exalted Council and the disbandment of the Inquisition. to this day, she's recognized as the Ashen Warden and held in high respect -- something which she's not too happy about but won't deny.



Alison Crest

[ Eldest Daughter ]
Alison and her mother have a estranged relationship. Alison detests her mother simply because she uses blood magic -- totally knowing that the Crest family uses various forms of magic and blood magic is one of them. Alison hasn't talked or seen her mother since she started her life in Ferelden's Circle of Magi (so over 20+ years). However, despite Alison's hate for her mother, she can't help but admire her. Alison admires how her mother fights and how she is someone people look up to as both a leader and a Grey Warden. Adding to it, despite how much Alison may not agree with her mother's methods or ideas but she would offer that anyone or everyone should listen to what she has to say or even accept her help -- whether it's offered or not.

Arl Teagan Guerrin

[ Husband ]
Having been apart of the group responsible for saving Redcliffe and Arl Eamon, Teagan felt indebted to the Wardens. Catherine shrugged this off as "it'swhat we do" kind of thing but was taken by his charm. After the Fifth Blight, they ran into each other multiple times in and around Denerim -' often helping or seeking the aide of Ferelden's new king. Eventually they atarted an intimate relationship and got married -- their marriage was rather informal but recognized by both the Chantry and King Alistair; which Catherine stated "was all that mattered to him [Teagan]". The pair have a unique long distance relationship that works more in their advantage than disadvantage. Catherine refuses to leave the Wardens but will always aid Redcliffe if needed. They visited each other frequently before Catherine was pregnant with Maric, their son. She managed to eradicate the darkspawn taint in his blood when he was born and stayed in Redcliffe for a few years before eventually starting to be herself again.

Maric Guerrin

[ Youngest Son ]
Catherine's youngest child and heir to the Arling of Redcliffe. She is rather proud of him and initially saw him as a restart to being a mother again. However she was surprised by Teagan's pride in Maric and in Alison's interest towards her half-brother. Catherine always states that Maric looks more like Teagan than herself -- which is true.

Knight-Commander Greagoir

[ ???? ]
Someone Catherine holds a great respect for but has shown in it in piss poor ways. She was always getting on his bad side as a kid but after leaving the Circle and growing up with the Wardens, Greagoir realized she was as competent a warrior as any of his templars -- probably even stronger -- but she still relies on her emotions. He's somewhat proud of how far she's come since she was a kid and never would have imagined she'd end up saving him or the Circle from the blood mages. After leaving Alison in the Circle's care, he continuously sent letters to her about how Alison was doing and such.

First Enchanter Irving

[ ???? ]
Another person Catherine holds a great respect for. Irving was one of her mentors and had an extreme patience trying to keep her from causing trouble. After watching her leave the Circle to join the Wardens, some part of him knew she'd grow into a fine warrior. And he was right, when she returned during the Fifth Blight, she tried everything she could to protect him and those around her from the blood mages. After leaving Alison in the Circle's care, he made sure that Alison was somewhat aware of her magic abilities but was saddened by Alison's choice to become a Templar.

Warden-Commander Duncan

[ Best Friend ]
Catherine looks up to Duncan as both a friend and mentor. She learned a lot as they traveled together and became formidable warriors. Catherine offered to travel to Ferelden with him prior to the Battle of Ostagar and helped him find a handful of recruits for the Joining -- albeit out of the handful she had found, only one survived. Catherine trusted Duncan with her own life and with whatever decision he had to make. She didn't like how he had sent her away to the Circle of Magi instead of fighting with him at Ostagar but was grateful for the chance to rebuild the order in Ferelden. Catherine took a hard hit when she learned about what happened at Ostagar and to Duncan. After the Blight and upon the Joining ceremony of a few new Wardens, Catherine oversaw the funeral pyre for all the wardens lost to the Blight.

Senior Warden Riordan

[ Friend ]
Having not been able to see eye to eye on most things, Catherine and Riordan had a trying friendship. However during the midst of the Blight, they both agreed that one of them had to slay the Archdemon. Riordan was another warden Catherine mourned for after the Blight.

King Alistair Theirin

[ Student [Former] | Friend ]
Being one of the newer initiates to the order, Catherine always gave Alistair a hard time -- in a loving way. She's also mentored him about most thing that involved the Grey Wardens and what their purpose was. Honestly, she was surprised that he had survived the Battle of Ostagar and even more so when he was pushed to be the King of Ferelden. She was proud of him and how he was able to overcome such obstacles. After the Blight, Catherine continued to be an adviser of sorts whenever it came to political matters or if he needed help with something. Despite him being a King, she still treats him like a child sometimes.

Mithra Mahariel

[ Student ]
One of Catherine's recruits that survived the Joining and the Battle of Ostagar. Catherine saw her recruit as a student and helped mentor Mithra and Alistair up towards the end of the Blight. Catherine was saddened by her friend's death more than most and partially blamed Alistair for letting her kill the Archdemon -- claiming that the young warden had yet to start her story. She was another Warden that Catherine mourned for.

Senior Enchanter Wynne

[ Friend ]
One of Catherine's mentors from when she was young. Both Catherine and Wynne don't see eye to eye on various things -- the main ones being the usage of magic and the Grey Wardens. Catherine believes that any and all help could aid the Wardens in various forms but does realize where that line blurs whereas Wynne is against Catherine's belief on the matter. Wynne also doesn't understand why Catherine persists on using blood magic so casually -- something that gets on her nerves more than she admits. However Catherine usually shrugs her off by insisting that Wynne doesn't understand the entire situation as Catherine sees it.


[ Close Friend ]
Someone Catherine thought she'd never be friends with. She adores his companionship and loves to banter about various things with him. Zevran quickly became one of Catherine's favorite people to tease and taunt as they traveled -- also thinking that his reactions to her taunts were slightly more entertaining than Alistair's.

Warden Oghren

[ Close Friend ]
Another individual Catherine enjoys talking to. She enjoys bantering and drinking with him -- whether or not the drink was needed. After the Blight, she was surprised about his eagerness to become a Grey Warden but was grateful for his companionship nevertheless. Despite Oghren's uniqueness, Catherine knows that he'll do whatever he's told without another thought and can trust that he always has her back.

Arl Rendon Howe

[ Rival / Arch-Nemesis ]
Catherine has known him since she was a child. He made her life a living hell for her and her mother and was the one responsible for sending her to the Circle of Magi. Catherine was grateful for being the one to murder him however every encounter beforehand was a trying experience. Most of the people around her had to make sure that she wasn't going to do anything she'd regret. She did find it ironic that despite murdering the Arl, she would be the Arlessa of Amaranthine -- the land where he ruled.

Warden Anders

[ Friend ]
Catherine admires his optimism but saw that he was very misled. She knew that he'd cause trouble and kept a keen eye on him... up until he and Justice had disappeared from Amaranthine. She spent as much time as she could trying to find him and sent several letters to various Wardens in the neighboring countries. After hearing about the events in Kirkwall, she had no doubt that Anders was behind it.

Warden Justice

[ Friend ]
Catherine had a high respect for Kristoff -- the body Justice inhabited after going through the Fade and entering the mortal world -- but after Justice joined them she looked to him for advice on various things and often referred to his judgement sometimes. She also relied on him as her stand-in if things got hairy. She was worried about what happened to him after he "disappeared" and couldn't find anything that suggested where he had gone but she knew Anders had something to do with it.

Warden Nathaniel Howe

[ Close Friend | Second-In-Command ]
Seeing him having the potential to prove his self worth and overcome the shadow his father had cast, Catherine thought of Nathaniel in a very high regard. After he proved himself to be a reliable ally, she started to refer to him as her Second-In-Command -- a title that surprised many because of the ironies in between them. But Nathaniel proved his worth time and time again and relies on Catherine as much as she relies on him.

Warden Velanna

[ Friend ]
Catherine was reminded slightly of the young Dalish Warden she had mentored nearly a year before but had to rethink all and any thoughts about Velanna being somewhat similar to her student. Velanna thought with her emotions rather than thinking things through -- which surprised Catherine since she was a very intelligent individual. Throughout the events in Amaranthine, Catherine had taught Velanna to calm down and assess the situation and various other things that made Velanna into a more formidable foe.

Senior Warden Stroud

[ Acquaintance ]
Catherine has met Stroud several times but all were brief and neither had time to actually get to know the other. However, after being informed about Corypheus and his intentions with the Wardens in Orlais, she and Stroud got to know each other a little more. She was appreciative of his wisdom and patience with Hawke and the Inquisition. The two were also very concerned about the Grey Wardens survival in Orlais.

Abilities, Paraphernalia, & Trivia


  • Daggers (Origins)
  • Various weapons (Origin)
  • Duncan's Sword
  • Duncan's Dagger
  • No weapons (Post-Origins)
  • Grey Warden armor

Strengths & Weakness

  • Magic
  • High-level intellect
  • Strategist
  • Tactician
  • Observer
  • Keen reflexes
  • Always has a plan
  • Defensive and loyal to friends and allies
  • Dispelling magic
  • Over-exertion
  • Tends to overlook things
  • Very stubborn
  • Will fight over anything -- if it comes to it


  • Catherine Blood-Hand is a name she received from helping a friendly Avvar tribe from dealing with a sickness. She found the source and killed the darkspawn responsible for it. However, that has little with how she got the name. When the hunters first saw her, they claimed she had blood on her hand. Which was from killing a blood mage that was trying to kill her. She loves telling the story because it's odd and the reactions are usually worth it.
  • She was at the Exalted Council in 9:44 Dragon but was more or less there because Teagan was. She tried her best to keep Maric out of trouble and was preoccupied with her latest transaction from Weisshaupt Fortress and didn't participate in the on-going trouble Solas and the Qunari caused. She tried to keep Teagan's outbursts about the Inquisition to rest as much as she could but to little avail. - Her fighting style is unique. When not using magic, Catherine is proficient in fighting as a rogue would -- two daggers. When fighting with her magic however, Catherine is a threat on the battlefield. She "skates" around the area her magic can pick up objects around her to use as a weapon. She also uses a variation of acrobatics as a way to "stylize" her fighting style.
  • Catherine doesn't believe in the Maker and Andraste being his champion/prophet but does believe that it is a nice story. If she had a choice in what her beliefs may be, it'd most likely be the elvhen gods. She also has a great interest in learning about the elvhen as a whole. Though she's also been known to offend the Dalish as a whole because of assuming familiarity with them. Ex: calling them da'len or lethallin/lethallan --> very offensive towards Dalish because they consider themselves "true elves" and see her as a "shemlen" ((means quick child and slander for human)).
  • She's a very open-minded individual who's willing to do whatever it takes to aid the wardens. That saying, she also believes blood magic to be a useful tool -- and uses it as casually as she uses any other magic -- but doesn't believe that it is the answer to everything.
  • She's half elf and one of the heirs to the Crest family. That saying, she's very into politics and is often in Denerim watching the King and Queen as they deal with whatever's going on.
  • Catherine has yet to be absent for the funeral pyres given to any and all Grey Wardens that died in battle or died during the Joining. First she simply attended because her mentor had but she later learned that the vigil had a deeper meaning. So after becoming Warden-Commander, Catherine has stayed up the entire night whenever there's a service for the Grey Wardens that die durjng the Joining. After the Fifth Blight, she was horrified by the number of Wardens she had spent her last moments with because she had a connection of sorts to the ones that had passed away during the Battle of Ostagar and then the Battle of Denerim.
  • During her stay at Skyhold, Catherine held a few Joining rituals but most of the recruits that were interested had died. So after the third Joining ritual, she ceased to hold them at Skyhold for fear that the Chantry sisters there would complain about the abundance of fires. During all three rituals however, she was accompanied by Leliana as they watched the fire burn the bodies of the Grey Warden initiates.
