🐍 Clementine D'Aurevilly ::



1 year, 8 months ago



Name Clementine Rosè D'Aurevilly
Age 17
Gender Female
Height 5'9
Zodiac Snake
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Hetero-Ace

❝ Do you ever shut the fuck up? ❞

Clementine is an uptight and stingy girl from Rennes, France. She moved with her father and two brothers to Illinois to live in Chicago following the discovery of her mother's affair. Her mother remained in France, moving to Paris to live with her parents now that she could no longer sustain herself. Nobody really knows what happened to Clementine. Once a timid and anxious toddler, she grew to be resentful and snarky nearing her teenage years.

For a majority of her childhood, she attended public school. Her father would spend most hours of the day working to scrape money together to pay bills and give his children the best he could manage while her older, adult brothers were out on the streets with friends or playing videogames. She would often complain about this to her mother, always asking to move back to France to live with her. The answer was always no.


  • Design Tech
  • Starbucks
  • Dark Chocolate
  • True Crime
  • Reptiles


  • Kai
  • Winter
  • Neons
  • Heavy Perfumes
  • Gym Class


Once Clementine was in her teenage years (around 14 or 15), her mother requested that she study at Babylon High and that she would cover its expenses. It is unknown why this happened in the first place. The most common speculations were that she wanted to stop Clem from complaining or that she was worried her daughter would end up like her older sons.

Babylon High 

When Clementine first arrived at Babylon, she would exclusively speak in French for the first month or so. Her impression was that, despite the reputation of the school, the students would be the same as any other school. She refused to communicate with them, feeling as if she were above them and that they weren't worth her time. She expected for them to be disrespectful, degrading and that they wouldn't take any of the classes or teachers seriously. She was pleasantly surprised once she eased into this new environment, quickly learning that this very much wasn't the case. Though she didn't care for much of the classes, her grades picked up and were decent at best.

The first person she had spoken in English to happened to be Andrew - someone not known to be rather friendly. It was nothing exciting, just a simple question about one of the science apparatuses. To nobody's surprise, he didn't give the best response. Clem wasn't bothered, though. She simply responded in French and then repeated the question. This process would repeat until she could get him to cave in. It's a wonder why these two are friends to this date.


Clementine is not particularly fond of most other students. She finds amusement out of picking on Kai or Mable, although Mable sometimes weirds her out with her odd shenanigans. Kai is a common victim of her (and Andrew's) insults, mockery and pranks. His gullible nature brings entertainment but his optimism and him insisting on them being friends bothers her. She is tolerant of Zack as he is Andrew's friend but finds him to be obnoxious and too dramatic. On the other hand, she dislikes Bonnie. Her timid behaviour, to Clem, seems dull and she will often snap for her to speak up or stop being passive. She sees Bonnie as someone who depends too much on others, which bothers her to no end. Her relationship with Andrew is an odd one - with both sides being insulting towards the other, yet they remain as close as can be. She looks forward to their facetime calls over the summer break.



Cigarette Ahegao Penelope Scott

Hit and Run LOLO


Emperor's New Clothes Panic! At The Disco


  • Clementine has vitiligo. This is NOT OPTIONAL. (Looking at you, Leroy.)
  • Her birthday is 27th November.
  • She loves to shop at Hot Topic.
  • Though she doesn't have much of an allowance, she has quite the eye for expensive things.
  • She has developed quite the crush for Andrew.
code by 00Ishikawa00